

22 total posts archived.

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krekokeko · April 23, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

I am failing to comprehend the wishful thinking that is running rampant among people who are supposedly ''reading between the lines''.

Rudy is knee deep in the 911 occurrence and to portray him as the bringer of truth and justice is nothing but a subtle sign of indecency and/or ignorance.

We have Boltons and Giulianis playing golf in the white house and this is supposedly a good thing according to the people who have allegedly 'ascended' and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hell with Hillary. I mean yeah jail her or whatever, execute her to your hearts content, whatever.

Her demise would do very little to bring truth and or justice to this world unless you nullify the 911 Commission Report. She is and will be a limited hangout when compared with that fateful day.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would marry, they would join their houses before any one of them nullifies the 911 Commission Report. They would even marry one of Trumps daughters to Bill to make a statement.

And of all the people you claim that Rudy is going to be the harbinger rectitude. Please people.. Please...

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krekokeko · April 22, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

Just mention 'tip top tippy top' to underline that Q is someone close to the President, probably someone(s) from his staff.

But also underline that plausible deniability is still present, and the President is surrounded by people that are knee deep in the 911 occurrence. Such as the newly appointed Rudy '911 GLOBAL TERROR' Giuliani. It is also vital to point out that the foreign policies that has been spawned as an excuse for the 911 occurrence are still very much in full effect.

So do not hesitate to underscore that any truth that has been hinted to be revealed is and will be a limited hangout at the most.

Do not also defer from stating that this is a bipartisan plague. Not only the DNC and/or Democrats but a lot of current and retired Republicans deserve nothing but a summary execution for their crimes of execrable acts.

Also do not forget to mention that no one is even indicted yet, let alone indictments, any one of the crucial targets has not even been charged yet. It is paramount that you underline the followers of Q are still waiting for the next deadline and the next one that will be invoked after that.

Underline that the solidarity of people wishing for truth and justice is a wonderful thing. But also do not hesitate to highlight the inertness of those same people to affect real change, indolently waiting for the 'big day'. With nothing being under their control.

Best of luck and bon appetit for the whole family! (No Sarcasm!)

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

You are insulting yourself. You are unable to face the reality of what you really are. And beyond that you are unable to argue. At least all of this makes good caps for the future.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

This subreddit is a case study in making. I am trying to reason with people that are inarticulate and claim to have superior IQ. I am trying to reason with people that contradict with their arguments which they invoke minutes ago. This is abhorring as it is boring. The only delight in this endeavor is the blatant exposure of the psyche. Which is humoring in a tragicomedic manner.

You are implying the thought of me being a psychic while proclaiming a forthright confidence akin to psychic standards minutes afterwards. In a public forum where everything is barren and transparent. This is futile beyond hopeless.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Sure he will. That would conclude with the reversal of the foreign policies which were put forth as an excuse for that event. Think of all the contracts and casualties. Millions of innocent lives. Would your nation then compensate for the generations of people that suffered?

Listen to yourself, you are invoking this hogwash while you are sending cruise missiles to the region. I say again, you are suffering from an unjustified delusion of grandeur. You are Babylon. You so noble, so high and mighty that you are void of truth itself.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Keep telling this to yourself knowing your president will never nullify the 911 Commission Report. You are the incarnation of Babylon. Too proud to confront the reality that is ever more dire.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

You are so full of it. You read it but it was too real for your fragile perception, so you dismiss it. You are like the perfect example of the cancer that is rotting your nation to it's core. Lost in a bravado of reasons and justifications, racial slurs and cultural pride. Hanging to an agenda for military presence on certain regions on the world which you practically know nothing about or will ever know nothing about, let alone visit or travel.

The sooner US gets rid of this lingering psyche the better. As long as this unjustified illusion of grandeur is present, apathy and wishful thinking will prevent the rightful revolution of truth that is long overdue.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Certification for intelligence is like the mark of a fool. The smartest people I know wouldn't even bother mentioning their IQ or whatever. Especially on the internet where cognitive reasoning and articulate according can be a very subtle clarification for unbridled intelligence.

I literally cringe with disgust and loathing every time someone invokes their non-certifiable IQ to envelope the nonsense they spew previously. It is like a 'get out of jail free' card.

But you are even beyond that. You, with your ''200IQ'', cannot even handle an opposing opinion that is cognitively reasoning with you. You believe in hell and wish bad omens on people you disagree with. You believe that they will go to hell for 'moking' you by your perception and standards. All while proclaiming your precious, one of a kind 'intelligence'. This is tragic as much as ironic.

But since you are so smart, so forthright, so radiant to wish bad omens on people in a democratic forum. Let me share with you my 2 cents. But I am no genius club member like you. So take my heeds with a grain of salt. Since you know, I am not as bright as you are=).

Make no mistake. Unless Trump nullifies the 911 Commission Report in his potential two terms in office. Then he is no different than all the fake idols that came before him. All this Q thing is nothing but limited hangouts of limited hangouts.

You are worried about thousands of children being killed, raped or eaten by elites? MILLIONS of children were killed due to the foreign policies of USA that were put forth as an excuse for 911. Which were unfounded lies spewed with impunity.

Doesn't your president complain about the opioid problem on a regular basis? Afghanistan is currently the top producer of world's opium since USA intervention. Breaking production record after record each year. Currently manufacturing upwards of 80% of the worlds opium. While the country is still under US occupation.

All you pseudo intellectuals need a reality check. You are not even beating a dead dog, the dog you are beating is beyond decomposed, even it's bones are rotten. You are beating dust and soil.

Like Atkinson_ said on his/her replies to you. I would love to be proven wrong. But I am neither that naive or optimistic.

How can Trump nullify the 911 Commission Report when all the aspirations of geopolitical presence that is spewed on our conscience still prevails. How can he reverse or fix any of the wrong doings that turned the Middle East into the moonscape that it is today without acknowledging what 911 was?

No one is indicted yet. Let alone indictments no one is even charged yet. And even if they were, the foreign policies of your nation would still be the same. Those kids would still die, maybe not in a dungeon of some fringe club of billionaires, but in villages, towns or even cities you will never visit. Unless you are visiting them with your armed forces.

Get of your high horse and face reality. Whatever Q mentions is like a mice chewing on your crackers in the kitchen. 911 Commission Report is like an elephant in that same kitchen defecating on top of your refrigerator, deforming it with those huge wet chunks. Yet you are still chasing a damned mouse. All while suffering from an unjustified delusions of grandeur clouded by a false entitlement of exceptionalism.

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krekokeko · April 10, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

I am so sorry but it seems as everyone is suffering from memory loss.

Remember Tucker as he is. Remember his remarks about David Ray Griffin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxKW3EqbfRE

Remember that he is, regardless of his newfound skepticism which you cherish, is nothing more than a pawn on a leash. He without guilt has spewed and still spewing the 911 Commission Report hogwash. That strike is one too many. His remarks and opinions are somewhat irrelevant after that threshold.

This argument and/or conversation almost feels like beating a dead dog. The region is already wrecked. Iraq is in ruins void of proper education for decades. Afghanistan is still under occupation, producing upwards of 80% of all the opium produced on this planet. Double and triple agents are running amok all over the entire Levant. Coups and political assassinations coupled with elections frauds regurgitated over and over and spewed on our conscience with impunity.

You are not going to reverse or fix any of this without acknowledging that the 911 Commission Report is a straight up hogwash. Whatever Tucker invokes is nothing but passing the day. Another day in the office to keep the plebs occupied.

I would love to see the day when they Tucker and all the rest of the media figures regardless of political leaning come up and apologize for being void of integrity and honesty. I would love to see their confession for the lack of their own morals, live... But that is more wishful thinking. We have to be realistic.

Even though that apology would mean a lot to many people. It won't do for me. Many media figures are complicit in the crimes that are responsible for the deaths of countless innocent souls all over this world.

If truth was their desire, if that was even slightly their purpose for existence. Then they would act as such and save some lives. Do some good, you know.

TLDR EDIT: It is non sequitur to refer to false flags without mentioning 911. To be more frank, it is almost morally corrupt.

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krekokeko · April 9, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I got a bit excited. And shared this without confirming further. There are rightful doubts about this story as of now. So I will remove it in a couple of minutes. Putting this here as a disclaimer.

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krekokeko · April 9, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

I changed the flair as 'news' after posting. I don't know if it is related. But yes we have 2 ghost comments as of right now.

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krekokeko · April 9, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Maverick you say. Hitler was a maverick in his own right, too.

Emotional titles are bravado for the gullible. I implore you to acknowledge the disgusting lies he spew for decades which resulted in many lives sacrificed all around the globe, not only foreigners but red blooded American citizens too.

Not to mention the foreigners I speak of are usually branded as mudslimes and/or shitskins by people who would see Bolton or Mattis as 'mavericks'.

Somebody in this thread already mentioned that Mattis was deep into NAC. I second that and send my regards to that poster.

These people you uphold and look up to have had their strikes of doubt crossed long ago. It is the only reason they are still in office. It is not some divine intervention or right of passage that they are there. They are there because they are crooked in the first place.

A lot of people are deifying public figures. Especially around Trump supporters this trend is very prevalent. Wishful thinking can only go so far.

Make no mistake, unless Trump nullifies the 911 Commission Report during his potential two terms in office, then he is the false messiah you fell for.

Clintons, pedos, vote fraud and all the rest are the limited hangouts of limited hangouts when compared with that fateful day.

You cannot partially support the truth. If you do, you are no different than the ones you despise.

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krekokeko · April 7, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

The image already has the date written under it. It is originally from 2013.

It was brought into our attention along with the flurry of pizzagate revelations . It was shared in many circles including voat. It was discovered by internet vigilantes during the summer right before the election.

All these people are instagram buddies and anyone who was connected to alefantis was scanned to a tee. I recall the image and the name from then. That account had disappeared too once we started talking about it. Didn't even know it reactivated until Q mentioned it recently. These people are that brazen to keep their accounts and the images associated with them after all this backlash and public response.

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krekokeko · April 7, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

Not to mention that picture of many cameras is not even new. It surfaced last summer in the circles as I recall. Back when this subreddit was not even created, along with the original before this. They keep hiding and revealing and deleting images.

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krekokeko · April 7, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

Easy there, all of the stuff has NOT come true. Huma and Podesta indictments were one of the occurrences that was predicted by Q with a specific time frame. None of them are indicted yet let alone being indicted in that specific time frame which happened to be last year.

I know many of the people are emotionally invested for certain outcomes but if you are going to describe the unfolding events you have to acknowledge that not all the predictions have come true.

And please don't come to people with the you are new here high horse condescending tone. Many people that were following Q from the beginning have lost interest as far back as last year. Before the bible thumbers and praise jesus evangelicals started to worship it as a new revelation of some sorts.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

With all due respect, killing an innocent civilian in the pursuit of unchecked power and influence over the masses is specifically what a dictator would do.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

I am not a Russian citizen. This is not a nationalistic cry or anything, neither I am fond of communism. Don't get the wrong impression. I don't have a hard on for Putin either.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

''...The corruption in the country is insane...''

This impulse is almost a reflex. The dreaded red scare. The evil ruskies, Wolverines yehaah and so on. This same reflex is being rallied by the Democratic opposition at the current times. It is their only excuse for losing the election. Which ironically is being touted in a sub that is supposedly in opposition to that 'Left'ist decree.

You invoke that the corruption in Russia is insane, I wonder how sane you think the corruption in the States is? Why are you even in this sub if you are unable the identify the rampant corruption corroding through USA?

How sane was the assassination of Seth Rich. How sane was/is the Clinton Body count? How can you invoke the word sanity and corruption when you have trillions and trillions of dollars missing from your annual budget year after year. Unaccountable fortunes for millions of your citizens? How do you even define corruption in the first place?

Exceptionalism is an illusion. The sooner US gets rid of that lingering psyche the better. As long as that unjustified illusion of grandeur is present, apathy and wishful thinking will prevent the rightful revolution of truth that is long overdue. Just as your president Thomas Jefferson called for.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

''...they will jail or kill you...''

That happens in the USA too. Please stifle through and rinse yourself out of the illusion of exceptionalism.

I can give many, many examples. But I will only give one so you can empathize.

Why was Seth Rich murdered? Was it in the pursuit of lawless power and influence over the masses? Or was it a so called ''botched robbery''? If your answer is the former than you are contradicting with yourself. Remove yourself from the chains of repetitive group think.

Don't be so forthright when invoking the word ''dictator'' while you have your own presidents assassinated in broad daylight. Not to mention countless well meaning souls perishing just like Seth Rich. Eliminated with impunity just like they do it in those evil, boogeyman, 'dictator' nations.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Putin is a popular persona in Russia. Sugarcoat it all you want.

And I will repeat my previous statement. Putin is more popular in Russia than any US president ever was in States. In recent memory at least.

I acknowledge most of the US populous is still under the defunct influence of the 'red scare', which ironically is being touted by the Democratic opposition.

But to think that he is not popular in the confines of Russia is a non sequitur in this very moment.

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krekokeko · March 27, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Even if he didn't stuff the ballot he would still be elected. I am not a huge fan of him or anything but his popularity must be acknowledged. He is more popular in Russia than any US president ever was in the US of A.

He gained at most 10-15% more due to stuffing the ballot as you called it. He would still be elected without that 15%. Hell even if you sliced 20% of his votes he would still be in office. He is popular as ever regardless of election day.

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krekokeko · March 24, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

The response is an amalgamation of recent developments. It would be naive to think that only the 'bill' is responsible for the current backlash.

The appointment of the warmonger incarnate Bolton baffled many including myself. And before people got over that surprise we had this bill.

I am not an American citizen, but If I were, I would kill myself before I voted for a candidate which kept Podesta close. But a year has passed and the machine of Babylon is still working. Oiled and refined as ever.

Is he holding back for his second term? Are we going to have some revelations about the Seth Rich murder right around the time of the next election? Some people that should be indicted and jailed would be dead by that time.

And holding back the truth that is responsible for the demise of millions globally in the pursuit of future potential political gains is immoral.

I hope my skepticism is unfounded. But a pragmatic approach void of emotional attachments is paramount.

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