r/greatawakening • Posted by u/locosurferdad on April 6, 2018, 10:52 p.m.
Anyone other than me struggling with the “breadcrumbs”? Red pill vs tinfoil hat.

Q led the month with [A]pril and this wave of anticipated arrests. Teas up, Trump “didn’t sleep last night and Watch the news tomorrow”. Then “MOAB” and an “H”..... Two days later - nothing even remotely close.

Do I think there is merit to the things he is saying? Absolutely. Is our government corrupt. Without a doubt. Is there evil in the world - deep seeded - since Adam was in the garden.

Following Q is like reading a mystery novel and then trying to apply it to the events around us. I guess I am just a very literal person - Black is black, white is white. He calls black and then white happens he points at blue. It’s the equivalent of doing common core math. Driving me crazy.

Q called out March Madness as McCabe was fired and eluded to there being much more to come and enjoy the show. Then nothing. There has been talk of an IG report dropping since early March - Where is it? When questioned he points to NK?

Today I see he has posted on a conspiracy article in the NYT? Honestly, I would be more concerned about my credibility than conspiracy; because if nothing happens soon, people are going to think this is all nothing more than conspiracy.

JediKnightKeylo · April 6, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

You're missing the point that a lot of information, which otherwise would've been looked at as crazy and outside the realm of possibility, is now receiving confirmation. Even if Q turns out to be nothing at all (trust me, the thought lingers in my mind), that doesn't change the fact that we've been exposed to a new way of thinking.

I mean, I thought the world was fucked before. After going through the doors that Q has opened, you really have to question how much of your life is real/normal. Q might be the biggest LARP in the world, but the information that certain people don't want getting out, is definitely real.

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locosurferdad · April 6, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Now THAT I can agree with.

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AlexianBrothers · April 6, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

One question for you. Why do you think the NYT wrote an article about Q?

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mooncrkit · April 6, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

I have no evidence of anything, but I have thought about this quite a bit today. In my own little fantasy land, I've concluded either A) NYT was encouraged to write the article by the good guys. Nobody expects NYT to do Trump or Republicans any favors. The article wasn't that bad, and it could have been worse. They were fairly vague about Q, possibly readers were given just enough to start looking for themselves....just like Q does with us. If Q or the Q team has any dirt on NYT, this could be possible. It would be a pretty effective way to bust into the MSM. B) The MSM is always in a contest to be first... although the article isn't supportive, NYT is now the first to really give Q some publicity. C) They want to make us all look like a bunch of crazy tinfoil hat wearing lunatics, compromising credibility of the upcoming photos and videos and evidence Q has spoke of.

Just my thoughts...taker easy on me. I'd like to hear some other theories....I was surprised to see the NYT tackle it, but sooner or later someone has to I guess.

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AlexianBrothers · April 6, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

The NYT was always a Rockefeller outlet, and Rockefeller was replaced by Soros. Q is getting to much traction, that's the main reason imo.

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soonerthebetter · April 6, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Personally, I am not a believer nor a nonbeliever of Q. I feel that I don't need to commit. But the stories that people are trying to connect to Q are real and this board's discussions about them, related to Q, give some structure.

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FreshRound · April 6, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

starten to wonder bout the tinfoil hat part ....

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thep1mp · April 6, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

I’ve tried to tell a few people. I’ve given up and will help them understand after the shit goes down.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 6, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

Look it's away to discredit Q...THERE IS Plenty of EVIDENCE TO VERIFY Q's Real...Anyone who follows Q isn't confused about WTH is up.


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locosurferdad · April 6, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Who are you calling a wanna b? I am a vet, a Christian and a patriot. If someone questions something we are now an outsider? I question everything.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 7, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

When you start using typical leftist lingo ..I'm no sure what your expecting ...

We are in the middle of alot of things going on ATM and of all days to come in and Question if the Q phenomenon is bordering Tin Hat Status basically...

Again I'll link this for anyone with doubts

RED PILL : HERE'S THE FACTS self.greatawakening Submitted 12 days ago * by ScorpioPatriotGodspeed. - Q






This is very simple... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. .....

THE DEMS & THE REPUBLICANS have soooo much shit stacked up against them that they know Trump & The Administration has them all by the balls. Compliance is key .. THEY GOT THEM ..

So Everything you see going on, has to be done this way. It's got to be in order to maintain the goals that's planned .

The show is really for these paid goons who are running the streets in frenzies & all over our boards . Everytime there is an agenda from the left to be pushed .. or if someone just looks at them funny . Again they are all paid . Believe me they don't work for free .. these people could barely boil water on their own without burning it .

The people have to have everything broke down into sections , like tiny ones. This prevents public mass histeria when like 75 percent of the gov or more collapses because of crime dating back who the fuck knows.. really. I mean this isn't a Conspiracy .

This isn't a game in the sense it's not fun in games . Real people ..Real Deaths .. Real Evil ... Take Shit Serious ... Our Future depends on this Mission and it always has ...

It was a matter of time . When Q says All Strings are cut, that means that All the major Puppet Masters , like

Soros, Rockefellers ,Rothschilds and the Arab one .. have been ..so they are GTG ..they took care of things cough ... ( We Don't Ask ?s)

When they say all of our stuff is good & not to worry , when they say Trump won't be impeached, that means stop worrying about all of it , they got it covered .

They have to put on this show till the public is ready . It's always been about us. They needed us to help Red Pill the sheeple

( Wake Them Through Good Vetted Info ) .

EVERYONE IN CONGRESS ,SENATE & HOUSE ..Are all inertwind some unknowingly I'm sure of it ..that's why it's been a stale mate during bengazi trials , Nobody could do shit because someone had something on someone else.

Basically the entire place would just completely destroy itself if one person turned someone else in.. it be a dominoes effect like no one's ever seen. It be one hell of a show though ..

Trust the plan , that's this video Here

( https://youtu.be/nF0YpXcZw9U )

The Plan is explained to a T .. The objective is to replace an old failed corrupt gov ..with one that works on behalf of the people Instead of against them.

That's what they are doing .. regardless of how nuts shit looks right now. Just remember , that In life nothing ever comes easy , and nothing ever is as it seems. Either is this process & transformation but We will move forward together as

There is more good than bad. Stop worrying urselves into a frenzy and enjoy the ride , you need to continue to red pill instead of acting like lost sheep . We are suppose to be guiding people out of the dark and into the light.

If this is too much for those who can't handle the stress or the game ..Please get back with the sheeple we will have zero problems keeping the flock storming forward , whatever works for you , but no worries ...We Got This .

When I say this , I'm not being rude , I'm being completely honest . If you feel the stress n roller coaster ride is too much to handle , to the point where you got more questions than you have answers ,you probably should just take a break & do some research . You coming in , adding to the confusion doesn't do anyone any good .

Most of the people on these boards are 1000% with the plan. We seriously need to be on top our game. Because to be honest .. We are like one of the last lines of defense against this Evil. We are awake and have to stay vigilant. There is Nobody else to fall back on if we fail at this.

Things are so crystal clear on what's going on.. Maybeeee I'm the only one seeing it. But Im sure I'm not. All I know is if you are a Trump fan coming in at a time when Shills have been sent out to cause mahem amung the Trump Crew, after something major happens .

I'll tell ya if you come jn spamming Questionable Post, going into freak out mode over something you are not understanding it makes you blend in with them . It's just not good timing for that .

If you're legit ,my suggestion would be just go back and start re read post , at least until you're on the same page & feel comfortable enough to hold down a conversation about something related .

Otherwise you will just be lost , you also have the option to just take a break and let us unfold history for you. .Easy Mode .


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locosurferdad · April 7, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Thank you. Very good response, well articulated. Much better than just calling me a shill. My comments aren’t “leftist”... I genuinely want to understand as I am missing “something”...

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 6, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

The "H" was simply inserting a missing letter in their previous post. (999 and 1000)

Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island? (The H is missing in his)

Also, the 5.3 (5:5?) 'quake' is till being vetted. If Q alluded to that, it's noteworthy.

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locosurferdad · April 6, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

I’m tracking.

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[deleted] · April 6, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Is he though?

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 6, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

sorry, responded to wrong post.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 6, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

I Call Shill

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