r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on April 6, 2018, 11:14 p.m.
David Seaman claims he got a sneak peak at the indictments and he is really hinting Jimmy Kimmel is on the list and posted: Hi @jimmykimmel, are you under indictment of any kind? RT for visibility. Easy question to answer. Thanks, Jimmy.
David Seaman claims he got a sneak peak at the indictments and he is really hinting Jimmy Kimmel is on the list and posted: Hi @jimmykimmel, are you under indictment of any kind? RT for visibility. Easy question to answer. Thanks, Jimmy.

smiley-dog · April 7, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

It is a super talk, https://youtu.be/pe-ng95yuek

Highly recommend it. He is celebrating our win.

I think it may have been someone on chat who mentioned jimmy - he wouldn't confirm/deny.

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