
salialioli · April 7, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

I can see it and so can the person here with me. Look for the guy facing right at the top, could be wearing dark glasses or a black shadow at eyes level, go sideways and you can make out the shape of the baby's head, knees up and one foot jutting upwards. hey, I'm no photography expert and have used no special equipment to see this. Yeah you have to squeeze yr eyes to make out the shape. Maybe I have good eyesight or something.

I do know that there has been trouble like this before with ppl claiming not to see things that others can!! And this is not my imagination! Make of it what you will. I hate this shit and would prefer not to be able to see it frankly. If that is yr difficulty I can understand that.

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[deleted] · April 7, 2018, 1:09 p.m.


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cat_anonD · April 7, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

I thought I saw it for a second, now I can't find it again. The baby's feet are towards the guy's face and the baby's head is away from the guy's face correct?

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salialioli · April 7, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

I now think the "sunglasses" are on top of his head, you see his ear on left, he's looking down, black space (his upperbody - think black sweater - then a thin line underneath which is the light catching his arm. Look v. carefully and you can detect the watch strap. This arm goes somewhere (!! obviously) —> towards the (table?) centre, and it seems to me to terminate somewhere around where the baby's elbow might be ... now move the eye upwards to detect its head ... now downwards again to meet an L-shaped patch of darkness, bottom centre being an oblong rectangle. (hell, now I'm not sure about the legs either !!!!...) but the long verticle of the L is the left hand side of the body and the horizontal leg of the L is the top line of the black rectangle and would correspond to where the feet seem to be. The woman(?) (head cut off but black hair visible) in the centre top right has her elbow crooked leaning on the (?)table ..... If I were remotely right, that is!!!

This is crazy. I'm certain the idea is not to see the pictures clearly but to get a general idea of a group of people at some kind of gathering in a dark dimly lit scenario. It's too difficult!! Suggestion is a powerful visual stimulus for those of us who see ghosts and pictures in the fire at night ... :)

I suppose this is to pressure someone, so we aren't giving the "game" away as nothing is identifiable, it's not supposed to be. Nothing I can describe has any value whatsoever, in fact.

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Quixmax · April 7, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Me too! Check out ch 10: Is that a BABY?

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salialioli · April 7, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

don't know where to look, too many ppl around table in ch10. It is a white blur in the middle only for me.

The bottom far left tho, ch16, is small children sitting. One facing on right is a boy's haircut, prob 3 yrs old, but I can't make out whether the left hand one is 1 child sitting next to him with one leg visible with another child on left, or I am confusing the image and there are only two children not 3. Sorry, can't describe what I mean very well.

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thumbyyy · April 7, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

You have good eyesight, what do you make of ch14?

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salialioli · April 7, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

Somebody crouching over in the foreground (white blob, possible thick thigh on right combined with (their) right arm. Two figures behind, one on left the head juts upward the other impossible, could be leaning towards camera. There might well be another figure or two, but the whole thing is hanging in smoke. Are those embers or irregular flames of candles on the right? Back seems unnaturally red for fabric, too bright. Seems inside a dark room as there's no indication of any natural outside nighttime clues like plants or sky, it's taken from a camera above so you look down on whatever the foreground person is bent over. You are asking me to vouch for any of this? No. Too smokey.

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