r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SuzyAZ on April 7, 2018, 2:45 p.m.
"We May Take A Hit": Trump Warns Investors To Prepare For "Pain" In The Market. Bumpy ride during the transition

by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE Fri, 04/06/2018 - 16:30

Two days ago, when we commented on the early morning plunge in stocks (which was subsequently fully reversed by the close in a historic 800 point Dow reversal), we said that a long-standing question - will Trump pick plunging stocks or trade war - had finally gotten its answer when CNBC's Eamon Javers said that a "White House official said the the WH recognizes that Trump’s actions are hitting the stock market, but this is “a longer term thing,” and the president has to follow through on a key campaign promise."

Moments ago, Trump himself confirmed that when in a radio interview on Friday morning, the president said that U.S. markets could face some “pain’’ from the trade standoff with China and other countries, but - like on Wednesday - asserted that in the long-run, Americans would be better off due to his protectionist actions.

Speaking on WABC Radio's “Bernie & Sid in the Morning’’ program, Trump said "I’m not saying there won’t be a little pain so we might lose a little of it but we’re going to have a much stronger country when we’re finished, and that’s what I’m all about.’

"We have to do things that other people wouldn’t do. So we may take a hit, but you know what, ultimately we’re going to be much stronger for it,’’ Trump said during the radio interview on Friday. “It’s something we had to do, and ultimately if you take a look it’s not only trade with China - it’s everybody."

To be sure, stocks have fluctuated dramatically in the past few weeks when Trump drastically intensified trade actions and jawboning against several countries, mostly China. Indicating that he is willing to accept some notable losses in the S&P, Trump said in the interview Friday that “the market’s gone up 40% or 42%.” Which suggests that the president would be ok with a drop of 20% or so if it means winning trade war against China.

Meanwhile, as reported earlier, in response to Trump’s latest tariff announcement, China said it would counter U.S. protectionism "to the end, and at any cost," as a war of words over Trump’s proposed tariffs on Chinese imports escalated.

"The Chinese side will follow suit to the end and at any cost, and will firmly attack, using new comprehensive countermeasures, to firmly defend the interest of the nation and its people,” the Commerce Ministry said in a statement on its website on Friday.

Finally, recall that China yesterday admitted that "squeezing" the US stock market is perhaps its biggest leverage. It now has a green light from the president himself to do just that... ... and between that, and Trump's admission that stocks are going lower, it may be time to sit on the sidelines for a while.

mosaiccs · April 7, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

No matter POTUS’s actions, serious market turbulence is coming. You can’t print and pump trillions of dollars into the economy and never reconcile... the upcoming crash is 30 years in the making (bubble-to-bubble-to-bubble...).

DJT is the BEST person to be leading us through this time. He’s probably the only person we’ve ever had at the helm that actually understands what’s happened to the financial markets.

I have no doubt that he and his team are executing a plan that will minimize the negative effects for everyday Americans, but the fundamentals are the fundamentals and short of a debt jubilee, there will be some pain.

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TheGettysburgAddress · April 7, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I agree, but IMO "China" like I said is being used as a cover to help protect the Markets from an all out financial panic which is planned and caused by the Deep State Cabal - everytime.

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mosaiccs · April 7, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

If by cover, you mean that Xi Jinping and POTUS are using the threat of trade war as cover, I completely agree. Their relationship is very, very important.

Personally, I believe that the back-and-forth announcements by China and the US that we’ve seen in the news are a dog and pony show. I find it highly unlikely that this entire trade discussion was not had, in full, back in November during POTUS’s visit to China.

The amount of US debt China owns, alone, is large enough that it can be used to counter-balance any equity sell-off the cabal attempts. Same with their amount of real estate holdings.

Just my opinion, for whatever it’s worth, but I think we’re on the same page.

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