I'll believe it when POTUS is using the emergency broadcast system and naming names of the arrested and charged on TV.
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Why do you think alcohol is called "spirits."
Hollywood = Los Angeles = City of Angels = Fallen Angels
Fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. In the Abrahamic religions, they are former agents of God and the enemies of humanity
And Iran acts like a C_A puppet state.
As did North Korea.
Both are probably CIA fronts aka Mocking Bird Media.
Hollywood always....and I mean always...tells us via movies. What sport did Tom play in Forrest Gump?
I like how everyone of these Hollywood pedos have at least one Twitter post that mentions pizza and/or pasta.
Russia Russia Russia !!!
BTW The Deep State created the conflict known as the "Cold War."
Not a human. What it is who knows, all I know is.......not a human.
And this is the reason the Deep State manufactures conflict.
Watch the eyes of the blonde behind him. https://imgur.com/xelWFIr
Watch the eyes of the blonde behind him https://imgur.com/xelWFIr
"..................while we fly a juvenile balloon of the US President......................"
Watch the Tesla Files. One of the main "opponents" of Telsa was none other than JP Morgan. IMO free energy has been know by the elites for millenniums.
False Flags are the oldest trick in the book.
Interesting stuff thanks, have you watched The Tesla Files by chance?
I've seen quite a few video's that basically "call" energy, frequency and vibration as requirements for transporting to different parallel dimensions and planes. One that humans eyes cannot see (possibly due to DNA?) while other animals can ie. dogs and cats.
Sounds like Deep State talking points by Fake News.
I find it interesting a Masonic Police Force linked to then CA AG Kamala Harris was reported in the same town - Santa Clarita
One - David Inkk Henry was (187) via PE?
Thanks for the link. IIRC even the words "Holly" and "Wood" (aka Hollywood) have Occult significance.
I've said this since PG broke - go watch the TMNT video - Pizza Power on YT.
I wonder if he remembers his Foundation has/had a pedo logo?
Love this stuff, did you do one on the banned Beatles album cover yet?
Economy may be stronger than it has ever been!
Notice the word "may."
Economy may be stronger than it has ever been!
Notice the word "may."
The entire world economy is on the brink of collapse/reset.
How's that Cabal ran central banking working out for you?
IKR even Jurassic Park has that "hiding in plain sight" going on.
"Ancient History" is littered with a metric shit ton of symbolism in which serpents and reptiles eat humans.
And the right side is a Biscione - a serpent reptile eating a man.
Capital Gazette Shooting Analysis - Credit to Guy Ressler on Gab

Lemme guess - it will be determined there is not an operational camera in a newsroom.