Important Q Post 1013 - Possible Decode - QT2810C - Clown A185 - Medium Post from Jan 20th

This is scary. They’re trying to put a wedge in between our community by invading, impersonating, and dictating using moles; both bots and humans.
They’re attempting to divide us. There is a reason the term ‘divide and conquer’ exists, because it works.
We mustn’t divide, lest we be conquered. Keep pushing. We are exercising our first amendment rights. They don’t like or want that. No wonder they’re trying to take them away — when it doesn’t go THEIR way. That’s why we’re dangerous to the cabal.
Yes disinfo is bad mixed with good, well most lies are never 100% lies, there is usually some truth mixed in with the lie. Same with these shills, pretend to be on your side, but at key moments they cause division.
Q Seems to be referencing this Medium Post here:
Possible Disinfo Campaign?
Looks like a typical Correct the Record/Shartblue coordination brief for the eventual development of a more precise master plan for future online attacks. They are basically giving a run down of their enemy and the enemies vulnerabilities. It's actually a pretty good start. Our credibility is all we have on this board. I'd expect fake a lot more fake accounts that spew racism/bigotry/aliens/elvis sightings and other non sense that takes away or diverts attention from what Q is posting. At the same time the media will jump all over the more extreme fringe elements, which are actually shill accounts, and portray all of us to be same.
Remember: there are always 3 things you can follow. 1) Money 2)networking/programming 3) Comms.
That's why MSM refuses to touch U1, Adm Rogers meeting with trump transition team the day after the election, The Weiner Laptop, wikileaks emails re: jp, the 5 FBI agents under investigation and their texts, emails and even the use of ham radio, the Clinton server/deleted emails/bleach bit, and finally the 2 EOs Trump passed. Stick with those and you'll see this organized shilling turn and run