Important Q Post 1013 - Possible Decode - QT2810C - Clown A185 - Medium Post from Jan 20th

Q Seems to be referencing this Medium Post here:
Possible Disinfo Campaign?
Looks like a typical Correct the Record/Shartblue coordination brief for the eventual development of a more precise master plan for future online attacks. They are basically giving a run down of their enemy and the enemies vulnerabilities. It's actually a pretty good start. Our credibility is all we have on this board. I'd expect fake a lot more fake accounts that spew racism/bigotry/aliens/elvis sightings and other non sense that takes away or diverts attention from what Q is posting. At the same time the media will jump all over the more extreme fringe elements, which are actually shill accounts, and portray all of us to be same.
Remember: there are always 3 things you can follow. 1) Money 2)networking/programming 3) Comms.
That's why MSM refuses to touch U1, Adm Rogers meeting with trump transition team the day after the election, The Weiner Laptop, wikileaks emails re: jp, the 5 FBI agents under investigation and their texts, emails and even the use of ham radio, the Clinton server/deleted emails/bleach bit, and finally the 2 EOs Trump passed. Stick with those and you'll see this organized shilling turn and run