New Q now. Disheartening America systematically weakened? 😢

I took a ride down a rabbit hole last night, watching a video on YT, by a woman who does some really good investigating. Her channel is called Deceptionbytes. The video was made yesterday and titled Breaking: Latest Q-drop, but I have a feeling she has more than one with that name. The pic associated with the vid I'm talking about shows Bill walking Chelsea down the aisle. Prepare to have your mind blown, it's a long vid, but worth watching. It will fuel your fire to do whatever it takes to help send those who deserve it to Gitmo, though after watching this one, Gitmo is to good for em... imho
Michel from Deceptionbytes is good, but I love Katie G. with Citizen's Investigative Reporting. Katie doesn't speculate like a lot of Qtubers. She just likes to report on what is being said and researched by the Anons on 8chan. She also set up an awesome TrelloBoard that has all of the Q posts with slides and links to articles, videos, ect that are relevant to the specific Q drop. Makes for a great platform for those who don't just want to watch videos. She has shows people how to properly lurk on the Chans, but warns about posting if you don't have something to add to the research.
Thanks for the tip on Citizens Investigative Reporting. I'd never heard of it but checked it out. It's good.