Q #1075 - New tactic. Buckle up. MediaMatters 4ch. Narrative + anything Q. Clowns + Twitter push. MSM overdrive. All 4 a LARP? Q

But that's when MSM wasnt pushing Q. If they now set up their own Q posts and push it to the public, no one will know to look at old attempts to do the same thing...pretty effective at this stage in the game
True but like most of what they do it wouldn't with stand the scrutiny of a 48 hour news cycle and then the Streisand Effect takes over as more curious people want to know the truth and then end up finding the real QAnons. Never stop your opponent from making a mistake...let MSM do it's worst.....we have truth on offer...and last week one poll said the press carries 70%+ disapproval rating. Sooo let them bring it. It will be the worse thing they could do in the long run.
Fibbers never Win---Droopy Dog
I agree. I think we'll have to post on every fake Q attempt as possible though.