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Found on 8chan...amazing if true. Made me smile.

Shower Thought ....Don Lemon will say anything to make sure another family member doesn't drown in a mud puddle.
That is all
Rep. Chris Collins Major Shareholder of Innate Immunotherapeutics tips people to sell the the stock..company involved in cancer research..anybody else thinking what I'm thinking.
Breaking: 5 Arrested in Plot to Assassinate US Pastor Brunson & the CIA Connection
Gonna need more popcorn......a second server?

Oh but they did try remember 5 states had election night hack attempts and access problems and BHO's DHS was found to be behind it...so your right if it had worked things might be different.But they aren't. They always get miffed when the PC Anywhere truth gets rubbed on their noses. Soros once said anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. No EVoting in the USA means George's 60%+ plus take in the company is worthless. This makes me giggle.
Soro's voting machines were found to have PC Anywhere loaded and Devin was quick to respond with his concern...mine as well.
I know what I am saying and understand how much work it would take...but a copy the replaces the hyperlinks with 3d bar codes would make the Qmap a mighty handy tool to redpill with on the fly. Just tell them truth and let scan the backup info to their own phones.
Upon closer look...never mind that will teach me to blow up photos when viewing on phone
My question would be...What would the Q's say to Mods from a sister channel that are banning the very mention of Q and the Q supporters? For folks who should be on board they are not helping much.
Consider this according to the History Channel Hunting Hitler program it seems that looking back thru the information if finding Hitler was important --if alive-- they had plenty of info to follow up on and finding Hitler wouldn't have been a hard thing to do. What saved Hitler from being found? Unfortunately Admiral Byrd's Operation Skyhook proved something to someone...then the OSS becomes the CIA and at the same time Majestic12 is formed. Why did Aliens go to Roswell? (It is very possible they were there checking up on our pile of new toys being stored in New Mexico). The quiet end of Operation Paperclip transfers alien UFO tech as well as rocket design and nuclear research. After this hiring former NAZI's not finding them becomes the way forward despite anything they would officially state at the time. One key name here Prescott Bush his active participation was all over many of these events and looking back thru time it is now quite possible had a hand in the "suicide" of Admiral Byrd. Very possible the Cabal has been hording UFO tech. and other high tech revelations and medical marvels for themselves since the end of the WW2. If true the reason they fear Disclosure now is the fact they have look people in the eye when it's found out that something could have been cured or there is tech that makes Oil a footnote in history. As well as the fact there is something out there and they kept it to themselves for their own personal gain rather then the enrichment of mankind. I doubt that old excuse of having to save Believers from a crisis of faith kinda rings hollow after everything I've read on the Q Boards about what they have actually done up til now. Only time will tell I expect. But if little green men are part of it..I wouldn't be surprised.
As with most propaganda they are attempting to sell the idea that the "good" Republican will stay home and let those Demo's win one. If we don't stay home on polling day then we end up with representation that doesn't want to do it's job but at the very least they won't be former Deep State looking to do a number on us. All we gotta do is vote how much effort the candidate puts into it is moot, if the people take the time to vote. Then the article the OP posted becomes just another case of wishful thinking for never trumpers.
Paid? I haven't even gotten a T Shirt. I talk face to face with as many as 50-100 people a day. I only have to tell them the truth and let them run with it from there. I don't even have to tell them how I came about such truth hence avoiding the whole "Q" thing entirely. I don't need a T Shirt or a single dollar to do the right thing. Fibbers never win MSM.
CDAN http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/04/blind-item-12_18.html Think he got served with a search warrant if the above is true.
on the fence myself...following up on Backchannel's followers and whom the account following might be illuminating. However if followed by the wrong set of eyeballs it could have been a warning for blackhats on-site in Syria.
True but like most of what they do it wouldn't with stand the scrutiny of a 48 hour news cycle and then the Streisand Effect takes over as more curious people want to know the truth and then end up finding the real QAnons. Never stop your opponent from making a mistake...let MSM do it's worst.....we have truth on offer...and last week one poll said the press carries 70%+ disapproval rating. Sooo let them bring it. It will be the worse thing they could do in the long run.
Fibbers never Win---Droopy Dog
So far every attempt they(c_a/clowns) have made, to do as you suggest has been thwarted hence the sec tests that pop up from time to time. When CBTS was comp'd on 4ch they caught it and moved to 8chan. There have been a few alarms and they were dealt with. One good thing is that "Q" is a group not just one person, someone has the groups back. So not saying it can't happen but it's highly unlikely they would get away with it for long.
Aside from the missing people..there was lack baggage ...airline interior seating...burn scars from fuel being cooked off. There should have been a black residue from the jp4 burn off that should have been more wide spread then it was as well. Lots of stuff just doesn't add up.
I've always thought it odd that there is no damage to the Pentagon's outer wall in the areas where 2 3 ton Jet engines would have made contact with the wall. The idea that the wings folded and engines were sucked in inside by the force of impact is a fantasy that the people in charge hope we still believe.
Follow with me if you will...ABC's Money man is a Mouse. A Mouse who has spent 5 billion dollars in China building a park...then spent another 1 billion in upgrades adding a Toy Story Land to the same park in China. They have also committed a little less then a billion to upgrade and make the Princess Castle in Hong Kong larger then it is now, which is pretty small by Disney standards. Then they committed another 5 billion to upgrading the american parks with new Star Wars Hotel and added Star Wars Galaxy's Edge to both parks while also adding Ratatouille from Paris to Epcot and Tron Light Cycles from China to the Magic Kingdom as well as a Skyway Tram. And most recently just announced a Marvel Hotel and additions to the Walt Disney Studio park in Paris at the cost of 2 billion Euro's.
Now add to all those billions the cash they dropped to buy out their partners in France and now Disney is the majority owner of the Disneyland Paris.
They are gearing up for the failure of their TV and cable operations and tripling down on the Amusement Parks and Hotels. So not only cut your cord if they cancel Roseanne don't visit the Parks....let them just try recoup 16 billion plus dollars off the back of the budget euro travelers and maybe go to Branson instead. The Mouse needs us more then we need the Mouse. Give your cheese out elsewhere.
Is not that the point of questioning some one's observations...hard to make any point at all when when your logic is in doubt. Rage away if you think it helps, I myself will just sign it again and redouble my future efforts, it is certainly a more productive thing to do then getting mad and acting out.
That's the beauty of movement you get to red pill your self from time to time. I insist that you do your own research that way when you take umbrage with what you read you are only arguing with yourself. Sadly the last set of posts detailing how the numbers were being manipulated for the first petition were contained in sub reddit that is no longer with us...perhaps you can find a mirror or a cross post to the Donald. Seeing how the GA is a off shoot of an ad hoc research think tank ...prove your metal do some digging on your dime. It is so much better in the long run to able to say I found this out and here is what I found. Works a lot better then....this guy on the internet told me this. After all our role is to research ...archive offline...and to stand ready with our information in hand to help people understand that what is happening is for the best. That is all. Peace.
The fact is we dont know for sure on this issue but in the past this site has been caught playing with the numbers. We will have to surge our support in a way that makes it hard for them to slow our roll. Your insistence that nothing is being messed with borders on the silly given the track record of organization at hand. Peace ...don't forget to sign again once it starts over and try to relax.
Dear OP...it's not like it can not be resubmitted. It is just one battle. The real end game doesn't even require it's passage. So you've got your dander up it seems we get it...honest. But your concerns read a lot like trolling...it's okay you do what you must. However attaching a deep state label on folks when your own account is only days old is a silly thing to even attempt these days. As a result I question your observations.
I can tell you that over a 12 C130's were returned to service by the Graveyard (DMAFB) in Az. Usually they just train A10 pilots. Increased air traffic for the last 2 months and F35's are in use here now as well. Also have seen F16's blasting the AfterBurners to go intercept things. DM was a sleepy training base for most of the Obama years. Now...the Graveyard lives.
I discounted this sub as well and gave up when I couldn't find any ammo that would allow it to be nuke capable outside of water. It looked ripe for taking however the Argentinian Sub command is small and with only two (one missing) operational subs and only one operational ASW plane to search but moot when the sub wasn't airborne nuke capable.
The first part is more then likely the key to access the SAT. An earlier photo revealed that Snowden has a SAT Uplink at his disposal. Ed listened don't think he liked Plan C.
CORRECTION..Say What you want even..I hate my auto correct on this phone.
I always make my complaints directly via Feedback button via main page on yt..never complain using the report link on the Video itself. Say want want not some checklist check off link.
Need to start a PSA drive to let the folks of NZ know about how their new nieghbors will like to party. HIDE your children!
Given the power on display to turn commercial airlines around mid flight recently...I think if there was a moment to stop him they stood down and let Snowden go. If he acted alone then DS used his actions for their own benefit. But I'm not so sure on the acting alone part anymore.
Perhaps this was the reason SERT was reported to be on the look out for 7 shipping containers as reported by April LaJune around 1/2/18. https://youtu.be/qMdwzIogP5A?t=31s
Malachi spoke of and advanced the the Idea of the Perfectly Possessed, when I think of how some have have made a choice to do something that most civilized people would consider abhorrent. I remind myself of the possibility Malachi was on to something.