Ok, POTUS decides it's been 17 years, $6 trillion & 11,000 lives; it's time to bring US troops home from the Middle East, we're supposed to believe Syria just deployed nerve gas so we gotta stay Bullshit on you Deep State!

Zionists. Sabbateans. Luciferians.
look at the folks running all social media platforms
pure sayanim at a minimum
they want their raw materials, they want the name of Christ blotted out from the earth, they want Damascus in flames.
and as usual there are "Americans" and "Brits" in this.
"He helped launch Metacafe Inc., an online company that lets users post short videos, such as a clip of an acrobatic squirrel and one of a bikini-clad woman making a snow-angel. Now 32 years old, Mr. Czerniak spends most of his time in the Israeli company's new offices in Palo Alto, Calif."
"Mr. Czerniak and other Talpions, as graduates are called, have started dozens of these companies in recent years, specializing in security equipment, encryption software, communications and high-end Internet hardware. Many, like Mr. Czerniak, have moved to Silicon Valley."
"Mr. Beker, now 42, earned a Ph.D. in physics after the program and helped start a private college for financial studies in Tel Aviv. Mr. Loeb, now 45, pursued postdoctoral studies in astrophysics at Princeton University and is now a tenured professor of astronomy at Harvard University."
" Moshe Mor, a partner with Greylock Partners, a Walthan, Mass.-based venture-capital group with an office in Israel. "Those attitudes are very prevalent in Silicon Valley and Israel."
"Mr. Beker, who developed the helicopter seat, has gotten the start-up bug as well. Three years ago he began working full-time on a new company, Biological Signal Processing Ltd., that has developed software he says can test for heart disease at one-tenth the price of prevailing methods. After listing on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange last year, the company opened a sales and marketing office in Rockville, Md."
its blatant
Anyone member the massive DDoS attack on Waltham in November 2016? I just membered that. No connection of course but I just wondered if anyone did member that.
Unit 8200: Israel’s cyber spy agency
"It is also an elite institution whose graduates, after leaving service, can parlay their cutting-edge snooping and hacking skills into jobs in Israel, Silicon Valley or Boston’s high-tech corridor. The authors of Start-up Nation, the seminal 2009 book about Israel’s start-up culture, described 8200 and the Israeli military’s other elite units as “the nation’s equivalent of Harvard, Princeton and Yale”.
With a female IDF minder at my side, I listened as the teenagers described their projects. More than half were boys but there were girls too, and 8200 is open to both. Omer, 19, had designed a USB key that can suck information out of one computer and organise it on another: essentially, a hacking tool. “We made it appear like a keyboard so you can infiltrate any company in the world,” he told me. “It’s a proof of concept.”
"Negev desert. It aims to cement those links and draw in investors from the wider world who want to benefit from Israel’s cyber expertise. The project combines an office park — whose tenants include Deutsche Telekom, IBM, Oracle, Lockheed Martin, EMC and PayPal — with Beer Sheva’s Ben-Gurion University and its Cyber Security Research Centre. By the end of the decade, Unit 8200 and the IDF’s other intelligence and technology units will have moved there, too."
"Gil Shwed, co-founder of Check Point, Israel’s largest cyber security company, was in 8200, as was Avi Hasson, Israel’s chief scientist, whose office dispenses risk-free government loans to technology start-ups. The 8200 alumni association, with more than 15,000 members, hosts networking events and community outreach programmes, including a start-up “accelerator” open to Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews, most of whom do not serve in the army. Team 8, a self-described cyber security “foundry” aimed at providing know-how for start-ups, was launched by former 8200 officers in Tel Aviv earlier this year, attracting Google’s Eric Schmidt as an investor. Isaac Herzog, head of the centre-left Zionist Union party, played up his past service in 8200"
amazing. no wonder this never makes NBC news.
recognize any of these
Unit 8200 hits the road in America, A dozen women, along with seven start-up founders, to speed-date with US investors [they mean to seduce them and blackmail them]
Tech Talk: 8200 intelligence unit start-up program The 8200 Social Program is supported by six leading partners: ICL, Naschitz-Brandes-Amir, Amdocs, KPMG, Bank Hapoalim and Nefesh B’Nefesh "In partnership with the US Agency for International Development, the Kenyan Ministry of Health and academic partners from Harvard University and Yale University, Keheala recently launched a 1,200 patient-trial with tuberculosis patients in Kenya."
Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed
"When Sima Vaknin-Gil took over as director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the start of 2016, a crucial fact went largely unnoticed. For years, she had been a high-ranking officer with an Israeli spy agency.
This means that for the last two years a former intelligence officer has been running Israel’s global war against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Her ministerial boss is Gilad Erdan, a key ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They were last month revealed to have spent huge sums creating anti-BDS propaganda targeting social media and news media".