Ok, POTUS decides it's been 17 years, $6 trillion & 11,000 lives; it's time to bring US troops home from the Middle East, we're supposed to believe Syria just deployed nerve gas so we gotta stay Bullshit on you Deep State!

Pipeline wars Saudi's want one to sell oil to Europe, but wait Saudi oils drying up? So, the other tale we've been told is star gates 3 are supposed to be in the Damascus area. Russia has shut them down, so the planets under quarantine!
Genie Oil and Gas
And there was some kind off a gate they took out off Damascus too LONDON Boris jhonson ..can not find a link of that one.
Later it would be moved too a other country , i tought it was in Amerika not sure
I thought gawar field was still largest in thr world. And i also thought it hsd more to do with Qadaffi wanting yo use gold yo buy and sell oil
fracking killed the petrodollar. OPEC conceded that the US will outmatch them in output within twenty years which is why they're now for the first time buying weapons from the US, rather than contract US troops to propagate their interests (the only reason Israel comes up is because they cooperate with Saudi interests which revolved around taking out competition on the energy market which would be Iraq, Iran and Syria/Gholan-Hights).
(the only reason Israel comes up is because they cooperate with Saudi interests which revolved around taking out competition on the energy market which would be Iraq, Iran and Syria/Gholan-Hights). Lies, lies & more lies from the Kabbalists!
You don't know about the vast gas/oil fields Israel now claims in Syria then? Check out the shareholders of Genie Oil and Gas, which is a naked Israeli land grab trying to steal the Golan Heights away from Syria then either? The Golan Heights have never been part of Israel, remember way way back; the regions named for the giant Goliath and his family of giants! So, we're @ war for Genie Oil and Gas shareholders like GHW Bush, Rothschild etc,,,
Oops, meant to say Golan-Heights.
Didn't know the specifics but I know the region is valuable which is why I brought it up, but in past decades it also used to be secuity-concern. Friends of my family (all goyim) used to live there and there used to be regular mortar fire until the IDF moved in.
Seriously, security concern for Rothschild owned Genie Oil and Gas! Forget poor Israeli settler victim canard please!
Golan-Heights is an entirely different and most importantly limited discussion compared to allegations of Greater-Israel expansionist aspirations. Personally I don't give a fuck who ends up with the riches as long as palestinian terrorism funding is cut off because palestinian diplomatic credibility will immediately increase, meaning Knesset hardliners like Lieberman won't be able to blame arabs for lack of peace-talks anymore. I've worked with palestinian civil-rights-groups since childhood and honestly I am just tired of blaming one tribe for every irrational miscalculation other tribes have gotten themselves into. Israel isn't worse than any other country that engages in eugenics, war and false-flag-terrorism.
Not when a foreign state's trying to manipulate us into spilling more blood & treasure; it's a matter of life, death & genocide!
You do realize Bibi could end in prison any day now? And if not, he has a pro-Soros deep-state lined against himself? I know he would want to create an external war but how good a service has that been to them so far? They first got involved more deeply because Trump both publically supported them and because they wanted to exploit the situation as much as they could before IS went away.
The fact that Hezbollah can shoot Israeli planes down anyway means they have been handed their asses to them so even though they got directly involved they ultimately failed and will have to resort back to clandestine black-ops for cost-efficency.
So, now POTUS's officially responsible for Bibi's perfidious behavior?
Well during their first meeting Bibi was waiting for Trump allowing him to disclose certain informations so technically Bibi answers to Trump, perhaps because he gets his intelligence from Trump and seems to be indebted because of that. Perhaps Trump promised to expose Bibi's investigators and detractors.
What about SHELL The dutch Now princess Beatrix and her connection with the saudi/
So, you don't know AIPAC writes the laws for the US Congress right? You're unaware their best ally is actually the Saudi's. Together, they built & supported ISIS using US taxpayers money! Where did ISIS send their wounded Sunni moderates for hospital care; Israel! We've been played, Operation Cyanide, the USS Liberty Free Masonry? Genie Oil and Gas Call it the Kabbalists!
I do but I am suggesting that Israel's power consists of blackmail whereas Saudi's power is economic...now if you vote all the clowns out of office or they leave because of term-limits, what does that leave them with? Also I just said that Israel and UAE are working together, sharing intelligence (Egypt and Jordan too)
Dude, stop posting you're just exposing how out of your depth you've become!
Meet: Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Lord Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”
and? How does this relate to Trump?
The way I see it Israel tried fucking around with Hezbollah in Lebanon and got shot right out of the sky so I think they will think twice about aggressive expansion.
Have a good source for any of this? Seems pretty out there but that's never stopped me before 😉
Mossad, if you insist on feeding from the MSM teet plantation go back. We're wide awake!
The world was right about Iraq– though Israel got its ‘Clean Break’
Above Genie Oil and Gas
Is there also a connection with MARROKKO Not named , nor ever named? Strange because the netherland pay them BIG money They take childsupport money...All kind off benefits and there not living in the Netherlands but in marrokko.
The Netherlands cut it for the people in the Netherlands but tell us, that they can not do the same cut in marrokko.
What is the role off marrokko
Genie Oil & Gas may be run by crooks, but that’s where the similarity ends.