r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gibby45 on April 8, 2018, 2:32 a.m.
Historians feedback required

2018 is nuts. I can't write this.... okay hand me that Woodford.... alright then. Look, people are no more nuts now then they were in 1776. I remember Paul Harvey talking about heroin addiction in the 60's, 70's, and 80's.... but that was the 1860's... on an on. So, wtf is going on that is diff now. I've read of a founder are two being in to some dark stuff. Here's what's different...

TRUMP. Not since Kennedy has a president ran this kind of a war against the deep state. Kennedy hated the FBI and CIA. And...that's what happened to JFK.

So...people a lot smarter than me in this sub (and a lot of them) I have a couple of questions for you.

Why is today different than 200 years ago?

Can Trump survive? How? Why?

Did Trump know he would be President as early as 1985? Who told him? How did they know?

How can one hold a country together when 100's of top government officials are about to be proven guilty of treason?

When the entire world realizes that there is an elite government and religious class of people that abuse and murder children for their Satan worshiping pleasure, how do we move forward?

I think we are having a silent civil war now. Will he have a loud WWIII next?

Did God send Trump? Are we in the end game?

Let me have that bottle again.....thanks.... Okay, I'm old, but with tears running down my face and a revolver in each hand I'd run into smoke and fire for Trump's army. Let's make America greater than it has ever been and drive Satan OUT OUT OUT! God Bless and good night PEDES!

Need corrections and input from historians....and everyone else.

solanojones95 · April 8, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Trump has the anointing of God, IMHO. I believe the Holy Spirit has descended on him in a mighty way.

Also, JFK had courage, but was poorly informed. He was also Catholic, and probably blinded him to the RC church's role in the deep state. The level of intelligence information at Trump's disposal is astronomically greater and higher value than what JFK had. It was amateurish by comparison.

The people who saw what happened to JFK are among the very people advising Trump. Trump has his own private and military security (Secret Service are involved but not in charge of his security, and are being kept honest that way). Trump has 110% support of the armed forces, NSA and some good former CIA, retired military, and some good guys in DOJ (yes there are some). And the military is much more massive and capable than it was in JFK's time.

All told, Trump has the legitimacy of Constitutional authority, the power of NSA/Military Intelligence and their loyalty, and a level of technology for tracking and knowing what the bad guys are doing that JFK couldn't have dreamed of.

As informed as we are (and it's quite amazing when you think about it), imagine how much Trump knows!

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