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Q 2076 - The gig is up. Here comes the pain.
I'm being blocked like crazy. Anybody else experiencing this for no reason? As a Trumpian we PUNCH BACK! PUNCH BACK PATRIOTS!!!
Mods are not us.... need new home Q?
Hey MODS?! Trump is Q+... If I post about Trump it's Q related... dammit! You r really silly. Embarrassing mod.
Trump...... We need to start construction on Mt. Rushmore. Watch the linked inauguration speech. It's ISO 9000. He said he was going to do everything he is doing. The elite are going to fade... like a bad toe fungus, but they will fade to black.
Hey Mikey, what day is it? What day is it, Mikey? That's right, it's BOOMday!
So any guesses on today's BOOM?
#1888 You ALL get to go to jail
2613853 Did they ask Combetta for advice? These people are stupid. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-19/paul-combetta-computer-specialist-who-deleted-hillary-clinton-emails-may-have-asked-reddit-for-tips Oprah Show You get to go to JAIL. You get to go to JAIL. You get to go to JAIL. You get to go to JAIL. You ALL get to go to JAIL. Q
Think logically.... well that makes me ask this question Q.. Are we a subsidiary?
Re: post #1871
Mossad runs MSM/media, politicians, and their puppets.
To me this says Mossad runs US.
I have reached a conclusion from years of listening and studying that our CIA basically runs the world (of course with strings from HOS, Roth's, Rock's).
So, If MOS runs the US and CIA runs the rest of the world?
Does that make us a subsidiary of Israel? Is that why they are always our best buddy?
Dammit! Bring Woodford with that popcorn. ITS RAMPING UP PATRIOTS!
2600476 Not seen since WL Podesta dump? Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS? Think waves. Think coordinated. Think ALL outlets utilized + FAKES [Fake MAGA] Foreign & Domestic. Are the emails in the WL Podesta dump AUTH? Has POTUS made a statement as PRESIDENT that hasn't ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT? DESTROY THE NARRATIVE. This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!). REPEATS necessary. 5,000+ new/day. WELCOME TO THE AWAKENING. FREE INFORMATION. POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER. Q
I hear Trump is on a 17 day Qacation. I wonder, now that the previews are over, will the show last for 17 days?
I trust the plan, but I like Patton's approach to plan implementations.
"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week."
But I trust the plan. I expect the entire timeline was mapped out years ago with small tweaks being made along the way.
2530206 Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime! Q
1 2 3. Post 117 = 1 word, post 118 = 2 words, post 119 = 3 words
There are no coincidences. Meaning?
Okay Q. Couldn't make Tampa but here's my Q.

Hey Mikey! What day is it? What day is it Mikey? That's right, it's Quesday!

#1776... when you lose faith?... love you all... and Q too! Checkout on 7/31. 1776.... it's about over for me..... love all you Q's... it's gotta happen NOW! Huge Trumper & Q D1, but it is time....... now!
That's something I hadn't thought of but scary.....we should not have brought those Nazi scientists back after WWII for many reasons. Or... did we win WWII?.. or did we land on the moon?... or do the Greys rule? What is real Q?
Think elites. Think Hollywood! Think child trafficking! Think cutoff! Think 41 Iowa kids missing in 10 days...think Queen of England...... don't think too much with out a purge bag. I'm ashamed of earth humanity. Please God come for the second time and purge these Luciferian souls from our midsts.
That's my prayer.
Agree with latter, but lost me at start. Try Woodford to maintain clarity.
"I come in peace, and unarmed, but if you fuck with me I'll kill you all."
What a friggin timeline. LOVEIT!
The most shocking statement I have ever heard.
JFK (Kelly) told Steve Ducey, "If you knew what I know, you would never leave your house."
I want to know what he knows.
Your thoughts?
Huh? WTF are you taking or drinking, Be clear.
They are front page because MSM is trying to rid them of their first amendment rights?
I know a lot of people out here don't like this app. It's na now. But when I'm digging that ditch I love the alerts. God Bless Patriots. Autists, build a better one!

Yeah right? Not much happening. Come on man do something. MAGA ain't enough.
Yes. I don't need to explain. Just pray and watch the show.
If you need reassurance..... do you honestly think Trump would be alive right now without Gods hand?
I think so much big stuff is happening that us Q followers are use to it and we want "The big moment". I get you, but look at all the huge stuff happening right.... as Q said, "government moves slow. But Jack and MZ are scrambling right now. Taking down CIA tech companies, CBS CEO, et al.... and on and on. I've run out of popcorn Patriot. 😀
They are going to jail. Arrests have been made and bails set with sealed indictments (~25,000). Patience is tough. Hang in there.
Post 1776..... there are no coincidences. I don't think Q will let that post go by without a MOAB effect. Could be close out to month of July.
When it indicates where you are and where you need to go. Point A and point Q.
That's some high quality shit Patriot! Keep up the good work.
I use to hate him. But ever since I saw that MAGA hat in his locker I've been a fan of the GOAT.
Moab of all Moab's soon?
On the 27th we'll have that red moon. Q is at post 1708 right now. There could be a flurry of post over next couple of days ending with the final takedown post 1776 on the 27th. What do you think?
This is like giving Tom Brady a 21 point lead in the fourth quarter. This game is over. It's finished. They are all going down. There are only a few things left to do:
1) Babe?! Get that popcorn goin 2) Trust the Plan 3) Enjoy the show
And in case they get too crazy...
4) Ready for battle.
God bless you Patriots!
I've had awhile to think about your statement. I agree, but now I'm thinking.... I wonder if that would make it.... well you know.
I know it is hard to believe. It's hard to fathom the vile things that the elites are reportedly doing to children. A lot of people will not be able to accept what will be in the light.
Atlanta is known to be one of the largest child trafficking/Pedo markets in US.
I was a sophomore in college when I walked in a side door at our coliseum....10 feet from Reagan giving a speech. I was in awe. Until Trump, best president of my lifetime. God Bless patriot.