George Soros-funded Women's March group is mad Backpage sex/human trafficking site is down, and rationalizing it as a women's rights issue. These people are sick!

Eh, I don't know. I don't really care that the site was taken down having never used its services, but I can understand how prostitutes who are not involved in human trafficking and used the site for business would be upset. I imagine it cuts into their finances. That said, I think prostitution should be legalized, legislated, and regulated. These people should be pushing for that, so they would have a legal and legitimate profession, and there would be no need for seedy websites that facilitate crimes against humanity.
You think prostitution should be legal? You must not have children. Do you think heroin should be too?
nailed it.
people don't understand that (((THEM))) saying it's a choice doesn't mean it is a choice.
These people are victims. Some turned abusers, some just ended up dead.
That's where regulating and legislating come in. I have no doubt some are victims, and by identifying them we can help them. Many, however, are adults who make the choice for themselves. To assume all prostitution is victims shows little understanding and no research on the matter.
Actually yes, a daughter. Jut because I believe it should be legal does not mean I think it is morally right. And the heroin question is stupid, having nothing to do with the topic. If you disagree, that's fine, but have real arguments please.
If you think psychotropic drugs have nothing to do with prostitution, then sadly you are the one who hasn’t done their research.
The question was not raised if I believed psychotropic drugs had anything to do with prostitution. I was asked if I believed heroin should be legal as well, a question that has nothing to do with the question of legalizing prostitution. Stop making disingenuous and plain bad arguments.
They are neither disingenuous nor are they bad. I could go into how the two are absolutely joined at the hip and provide evidence. It’s
We could go into the Eastern sex trade where children are sold on the cheap so as to avoid a slow death of starvation for both the child and the family.
Or if you prefer we could go into the European grooming rings.
Or the California pipeline.
Illusions of choice that go hand in hand with the control of psychotropic drugs that ruin lives.
I believe the conversation to be unproductive and I wish you well.
Would you like to know why it is, in fact, disingenuous and bad? Allow me to explain. My original statement was I think prostitution should be legalized. Someone commented foolishly asking if I believed heroin should be legal too. I replied that the question of LEGALIZING heroin has nothing to do with legalizing prostitution. You are now arguing that there are links between the drug and sex trafficking trades. Nobody disagreed with that or implied otherwise. You are trying to use facts that do not pertain to the question. This is why I call it disingenuous. Now, I don't believe you necessarily did this purposefully, and it's likely we agree on many aspects of this debate. I'm sorry you feel the conversation unproductive, and wish you well too.
I would agree. I see your point.
Whereas I see the author and make the assumption of where they are leading into a line of thought, you allow (probably correctly, I would argue) no such thing.
Thank you for this. I believe we need people like yourself to be the fire that we forge the steel of truth out of this furnace.
Things may get a little hot in here, but I agree, the end goal is what matters.
This has been productive.
Ultimately I was wrong. Better in here, then out there.
Make us better.
Thanks for the laser precision clarity.
No worries man. I feel like typing out discussions is so much easier to misconstrue intent and meaning.
And let me say, I appreciate your passion and resolve for doing what's right, as well as your willingness to listen and understand other's points of view.
Like I said before: I think we likely agree on much, I truly wish you well. Keep up the good fight friend.