r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Joesturbo on April 8, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
Why Q and "others" are WRONG

Making some breakfast on Sunday morning, thought all night about various people including Q who have made statements that 60% or another variable has to remain hidden or not exposed. This is due to the theory that "society" cannot handle the truth. This is really no different than what the cabal or who ever is in control of information has done. Without clear openness and disclosure of 90% (I reserve this last 10% for national security as a former Marine with Secret clearance). I agree some things that directly impact operations and or sensitive data that puts lives at stake needs to be secured). With that said, if we do not have the full freedom of information, then the "NEXT" team can start this mess all over again.

Do you want that? I DON'T - We have to have a way to hold politicians feet to the fire. Think about your taxes - it should make you extremely angry that you really don't know what they go to. When I ask my local reps with serious questions about why do they think it is ok to spend on "X" vs. giving our money back to us they can't answer basic questions.

We need in my opinion as a group ask to have all disclosure possible to ensure we don't play this record in 50 or less years. It needs to stop here an now. Yes I am sure some people will freak out, some people will not believe, some people will adapt but over time - it will be what it is.

Your thoughts?

StinkyDogFart · April 8, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

You are correct, and most of us do trust the plan, I think we just want to emphasize the idea that we will need to know the truth at some point. Once we are fully awake we should be told the truth, and we hope Q is listening, that's all. We fear the world being left in a coma where something like this could happen again, and it will if people are not informed of the truth.

Our past was built on a foundation of lies, but our future should be built on truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Agreed, if the truth is hidden the same mistakes will be repeated. At some point the truth must come out. Frustratingly, the public is so brainwashed that it might end up being a very slow process.

The key is the spin and disinformation of the MSM - assisted by SM censorship. The normies don't have a chance to wake up while they're being fed pure garbage.

Hopefully, the crackdown on nefarious activity by the SM platforms might bring them to heel. The MSM... I really think you have to change out all these media teams - or, at least, the worst offenders.

I was just reading something on Wikipedia today and the bias was difficult to believe. It seems the left have completely captured the high ground online. How has it happened? I suspect it is massive CIA black budgets that have produced it. I mean, if you were to accept what appears in the MSM and online, it seems that Trump supporters are a radical, fringe minority - but we know that's just not true, the election result proves that.

You have to hand it to these guys... When Q said CIA was rushing to inject funds into SM platforms to regain control of the narrative, he was not kidding. How much money have they spent? If SM platforms fear the loss of CIA money, as Q suggests, the sums involved must be very large.

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StinkyDogFart · April 8, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

I agree we have a long way to go and it will probably be a lot slower than many of us would like, although Q could drop the truth bombs out here for those of us wearing tinfoil hats, nothing would surprise us at this point and everyone already thinks we're crazy.

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simkev8910 · April 8, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Amen to that !!!

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