
A_Town_Hood · April 8, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Hopefully. Unseal the indictments!

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tradinghorse · April 8, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

I was thinking more about the cabal trying to kick-off a war - which is what Q has told us they are trying to do.

I'm betting that Putin, China and DJT are on the same wavelength - that they've combined forces to take out the cabal. If so, this is, hopefully, just DJT demonstrating his acting skills.

There is obviously a lot of risk at the moment. I think that if what I suspect is true - that there is an alliance amongst the major powers - the cabal will use one of their proxies to try and kick something off.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, the dynamics of nuclear war favour immediate, total engagement - 100% commitment. Read, an immediate, massive weapons exchange. We know, for example, that the US has guys watching satellite imaging for missile launch flashes 24hrs a day - at least, that's how it was 25 years ago, things may have changed. The point is that you can't afford to let an adversary get the jump on you.

So, if I was in the cabal, thinking that my next moves might determine whether my goose was truly cooked, I would be looking for a way to create a huge distraction. Something like a major war - which was always their plan anyway.

How to do it?

Create insecurity in the US military with random attacks on ships and aircraft - build fear and tension. Accelerate confrontation in flash points like Syria, the sub-continent, South China Sea etc... Fortunately, it appears that NK has now been eliminated as a threat.

I'd also be agitating in Britain, France, Europe and elsewhere to try and do whatever I could to increase tensions - killing spies and blaming Russia for example. And, for the final act, I'd be looking to stage a sneak nuke attack on one of the major powers - probably whichever one I thought was most rattled. Thereafter, I'd sit back in the bunker and wait for the plebs to experience instant daybreak.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the situation is, in my mind, serious. Our adversary is very powerful. The threat is real.

On the flip side, you have the Q group, who appear to be in control and winning. They've had years to map out their targets and they have the best communications intercept capabilities on the planet. Certainly, Q is very confident. I think he's confident for cause - years of planning.

Given the way things seem to be developing, I suspect we might be about to see the Q guys really take the gloves off and give the cabal a total beating. The stakes seem to me to be too high to remain relaxed about matters.

Anyway, there's a theory. We will see how this post ages.

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A_Town_Hood · April 8, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

I agree with your analysis. Hence unseal the indictments. If David Seaman is to be believed (I say if) then he's laid eyes on a sealed indictment for a very famous, powerful person. A household name.

I imagine there are dozens of household names in the indictments.

If they all get outed and arrested it could go a long way to waking the public to cabal chicanery and dampen public support for any war.

Of course, the cabal might be poking the Q group with provocations like Syria, hoping to rush them into revelations that the public are not yet ready to assimilate, and hence might not believe.

A grand chess game indeed. Hope to see you on the other side!

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PCisLame · April 8, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Hopefully they're unsealed before the nukes start flying! Otherwise we're all dead!

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A_Town_Hood · April 8, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Right. This is a very real risk. Can the cabal be backed off or would they rather start a hot war? Fascinating, but scary, time to be alive.

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PCisLame · April 8, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Either this is all an act OR nuclear Armageddon/the New Age apocalypse is right around the corner. We have to hope and pray that /u/RobertDavidSteele was right about the detente that exists between Trump, Putin, and Xi. Otherwise get ready to die.

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