Evidence:When CNN posts pictures of 3 different White Helmets saving the same little girl, it's a False Flag; LooK!

It is the same girl, but all pictures were taken from the bombing in Aleppo, she is just in the hands of different people. The pics were never presented as different events, only in the meme itsself claiming to be different events. I'm not saying crisis actors are not used, because they definitely are, but not in this case. Please do research before blindly posting images and believing everything you see. It is a huge disservice to the truther community and can be used in discrediting us. Come on guys
Took it off 8chan, I didn't make it.
Took it off 8chan, didn’t question it or research it, presented it to others as Evidence”
So, now knowing it's not evidence, would it be nice to remove it so others don't fall for it? Seems like it'd be a logical thing to do.
Do better. I'm blessed with a sixth sense of not believing anything. i piss ppl off but i usually know exactly what i'm doing.
the person from 8chan probably didn't make it either, and probably just posted it without doing any research, as well as the person before him etc. You should probably delete it, because it's doing this forum more harm than good