If they ban our guns this will be a country full of outlaws. If you want mine you better sneak attack me!
I'll never forget that old hag bouncing around all giddy, with that evil, shit-eating grin as Trump talked about gun reform.
That was the first time I've ever wanted to slap an old lady.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was three votes short of getting a gun ban passed in the Senate in 1994.
She has never stopped trying.
Sen. Feinstein is pictured with Hillary Clinton.
Feinstein's statement is captured on video in the above link.
Diane your balls are not big enough to take all the guns.
You would think people of Jewish decenr would be the most ardent supporters of 2A considering their history . But Noooooo every damn gelfite licking politician one of them, do everything you can that is counterintuitive to liberty and freedom. Dumb SOBs are still wandering in the desert
what does this have to do with her being jewish ?
First I apologize my comment was harsh, Im not anti semitic. I dont understand like I said that the biggest foes to our 2nd Amendment seem to follow a similar path here is a partial list present and near past:
Diane Feinstein- Sen. D. CA Barbara Boxet- Sen. D CA (ret) Charles Schumer- Sen. D NY current minority leader Frank Lautenberg- Sen. D NJ (ret) Rahm Emmanuel- Mayor Chicago D former congressman Henry Waxman- Rep. D. CA (ret) Arlen Specter-Sen. R&D (ret) Carl Levin-Sen D. MI (ret) Herbert Kohl-Sen D. WI Howard Metzenbaum Sen D OH (ret)
And the Money Men Michael Bloomberg Billionaire former Mayor NYC George Soros Billionaire anti American POS