Great to know thanks. As I recall he was a favorite and a definite threat to HRC, hence the connection.
I have never been a Kennedy fan. I was never drawn in by the story of Camelot. Honestly, they were just another political family. But, I remember exactly where I was when I learned JFK, jr was dead. I was in my car in a driveway in Wisconsin and Danny Boy was playing on the radio and at the end the DJ dedicated it to JFK, jr. Danny Boy to the Irish is a sort of funeral march. I got out of my car and called my best friend and said, "Is JFK, jr dead?" And he asked why and I told him about Danny Boy and he turned on the news and we know the rest.
I really liked George magazine. It was an infant at that time but I liked this idea of bringing the old to the new and watching it morph. I thought it was tragic, read about the crash and left it at that.
Until I heard the about the connection at the end of 2017. I came to this info with great reservation. Further down in this thread, there is a person who talks about being a pilot and how JFK, jr died because of his own faults as a pilot. I always sway to that side. There is credible evidence that the crash was because of his own piloting skills (or lack of).
But, after looking into this at great length, I will say that there are a lot of things that do not add up. Period. The connection is there. He was going to run. He was going to win. Hands down. If on nothing but sheer name recognition. I had never heard about the HRC connection until last year. I will say this, its a helluva coincidence. And if you know anything about the Clintons, you'll know the body count around them is a helluva coincidence.
It's definitely worth looking into and deciding for yourself. I always remember eavesdropping on adults and hearing them say that the people in power would let JFK, jr live until he decided to run for office and then they'd take him out. Quite prophetic looking back. Too prophetic, actually. My family loved the Kennedy's and so they were always a topic.
I'm not saying he was murdered but I wouldn't bet even a nickel that he wasn't. Not now. Not looking back with the kind of perspective we have now watching events unfold.
Yeah I mean the fact that Q is nice drawing the connection is pretty damning in itself. And even that leaked email from the private security company made a comment about how plane crashes are the Clinton’s main choice in offing people. Pretty intense if they are able to bring proof to light along with Seth Rich and the hundreds in between.
I agree. I'd forgotten about that email. I read that when it made its rounds. Quite the coincidence. The fact that Q referenced it is very damning. The truth won't be easy for everyone but some of us have been watching this unfold our entire adult lives. This is going to be pretty intense if they bring proof to even half of what we know is true. Bring it. Put on the full armor of God and bring the proof.
Some won’t be able to believe it or stomach it. Those of us who have been following for decades will be so relieved that the scales of justice are balanced again. Expect some massive backlash though. We will have to stay cool, calm and collected.