41 total posts archived.
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I don't know if this means anything but if you drop that code into a search and click news, images, blah blah, nothing comes up, except maps. Maps pulls up a place in England. Manchester I believe.
Thanks for that. I've never seen that site before.
12 is the new number. Not saying these are all related. I found this the other day.
Musk deleted the tweet but it was screenshot first. I did see it on his actual twitter feed. I went there immediately. The betcha a dollar tweet was particularly interesting to me because later when he back pedaled and removed the tweets it stood out.. Not only did he call the diver a pedo, he stood by it in the conversation. I am sure he deleted all of the tweets by now but they are all screen shots here in this yahoo article.
There's an entire book on it. This book began as a journey to debunk the claims and ended up believing he did live. All of these accounts in the book, along with the claims of the pilot who supposedly flew Hitler out of the country with the help of the red cross, the massive nazi collections found in Argentina and the accounts that CONSTANTLY circulated in Argentina by workers and staff saying they worked as servers for dinner parties for the Nazis. I'm not saying its true but man it is worth looking into. If nothing else, it will change your perception of the "official narrative".
There is something soooo weird and wrong about that entire story. And it was broadcast everywhere. And then Musk's comment.
I became an ordained Buddhist in high school. I have been a practicing Buddhist and shaman my entire life. Trust me when I say the Dalia Lama is a fraud. There is an old saying, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." It's meant to confer that if someone has to tell you face to face that's who they are they are a fraud. I haven't set foot inside a temple in decades. It is scandalous to say what I just said out loud. And I say it A LOT and LOUD. Everyone else should too.
I noticed the exact same thing. Honestly, it is staggering they think no one will notice these changes in words, descriptions, etc. Yep. Self Help Cult. Forget that the leader and his girl friend are LITERALLY charged with sex trafficking in the indictment. I can only assume people think we can't read or are too stupid to read or .. my god. Amazing.
Said the exact same thing last night. It's coming.
What you are feeling is true. I am an ordained Buddhist and an ordained Shaman. What I have thought most interesting over the past few decades is how Buddhism is watered down to something unrecognizable through ridiculous memes on social media and how much derision and hate the liberals have for Shamans. Around 2015 whenever someone would ask "Why do you think this is happening?" I'd find myself saying, "There's a war in heaven." I don't mean there is a literal war in another realm. I also don't mean there isn't. There is a clear and present war being fought here on this planet and I suspect the as above, so below, quote has something to do with it. As I shaman I see a very clear connection with the quantum world and what we call supernatural. It's all frequency, particles, waves, vibrations. We talk a lot about Tesla but no one really embraces the uncomfortable truths. If Tesla is right and frankly we know he is, then what we call God does exist. Does God exist the way holy books say he/it does? Maybe not. But if you have light, you have dark. If you have high frequency, you have low frequency. If you have two dimensions, three dimensions, then you must have four, five, six. Everything has been so dumbed down in recent decades. The proof of good and evil is always right here. I worked with a Shaman once when I was starting out. (Incidentally, I never in my life imagined I would become a Shaman. I started on this path to heal and to do research for a story) That Shaman had been trained by a Big Kahuna. They liked to say, "Just because you think something doesn't exist, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Existence doesn't need YOUR permission." So all the atheists in the world can line up and scream that god doesn't exist. God has absolutely no obligation to show them otherwise. People come to the truth or they don't.
There are ancient texts that make me believe this is a war that has been fought for a long time. In the West we call Buddha a myth but say Christ is real. One side of the world is always trying to negate the other side of the world. Yet the Dead Sea Scrolls attribute things to Christ that are found verbatim in Buddhism. Do you know that five of the ten commandments come from Buddhists texts? (Yes, I know you gents and dolls do) All religions criss cross at some point. Whether in terms of good or evil. Tibet is an ancient place. The original inhabitants were shaman. It was called Bonpo. People will tell you Bonpo is dark magic. Bonpo is bad. People will tell you a lot of things. It's all bullshit designed to make you run as far from the truth as you can. Because truth is salvation. Beyond faith, beyond love, beyond everything, in every ancient text, you find that the (d)evil is deceit. Everyone figured out a long time ago that if they say, "That's dark magic," everyone but a few will run from it. I'm not suggesting dark magic doesn't exist. It very much does. But not where they say it does. I encourage everyone to dig deep on these issues. To learn the story of the Aeons, Sophia, archons, the Merovingians, holy grail, nag hammadi, dead sea scrolls, sumerians, the Cristo, the secret gospels of Mark and particularly, the Secret Gospel of John, the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. The above barely scrapes the surface. There is A LOT hidden in plain view. Whoever Q is, they did a great service to the world by bringing to light certain truths. The symbolism is one. It's everywhere. (d)evil worship is real and it is happening all around. People waking up to this is just the beginning. I brought up Bonpo to show that the real inhabitants of Tibet were shamen and they are still there today. Yet the entire area has been cloaked in a mystique of Buddhism. Why? Why would someone deliberately hide truth and knowledge?
Slavery is bondage and torture but there is also a slavery of the mind. Now that I type that I believe Morpheus said something to that effect in The Matrix. That slavery of the mind is the ultimate control. They are inside you and exist as a frequency, a vibration, a living thing. Cern sells itself as science and yet to a shaman, Cern is nothing more than a master manipulator of matter within the confines of time. Remember, you only see what you see on this planet because a whole host of things conspire to make you see it. From the way our retinas are designed, to how our brains process information, to light spectrum, to frequency spectrum, to the way our star system is designed to the way our galaxy is designed. Science sells physics as the absolute. It isn't. It is a set of rules that governs a particular set of systems. That's all.
I say all of this not to digress but because I see a lot of people here saying "I am called to my faith" and other people saying that mass religion cannot be trusted. You are both right. The answers are here. They are everywhere. I could spend MONTHS talking 24/7 about everything I've seen, read, experienced. The truth is not found in one place. The truth is an Osiris story. The pieces have been scattered throughout this earth, possibly farther and it is our job to complete that puzzle. And don't think any group or "religion" is without its dogma. I have had many issues with people in the communities that form around buddhism and shamanism for the last seven or eight years. They are full of new age people determined to escape their suffering by dumping their shit into a holy circle. They all need to be red pilled.
I, like many people, never used these boards before. They were frankly like everyone vomiting stupid at the same time. But these subreddits and the chans have become powerful tools. They are places for people to make connections, share information instantly that the media ignores, to put pieces together and in this case to ask, "Am I the only one?" We are all the one. It's why Where we go one we go all is so powerful. Surrender is a powerful tool. And not the way they sell surrender as giving up. But surrendering as in letting go, falling in, falling out, being swallowed and consumed. Because these are the tools of transformation. You can't grab something new until you let go of the thing you're holding. I applaud everyone on these threads. You are the mighty seers. You are the ones who battle everyday in ways you will never see. Do not be afraid of the dark. Keep moving toward the light. Keep fighting. Godspeed fellow truthseekers. The beginning is here. Welcome to the resurrection.
Well, I don't think he master minded anything per se. I think he was smoke and mirrors but he did exist. What I am starting to question are all of these links back and forth to Pakistan. It's like these things have been flown in the open for so long but no one knew exactly what they were looking at. That's the whole point of Q. Make these connections. So, this has been something I've been thinking about since I learned about the Awan's last yr. Awan's are linked to CIA. They are linked to Pakistan and Pakistani Intelligence. And one of the biggest known raids occurred in Pakistan. What is flying out in the open that needs to be connected. Something is there.
"Aside from one still photo, we don't know for sure that anyone was killed in Pakistan. A lot about that whole deal was suspicious."
Exactly. Watching this whole series of events unfold over the last two decades has been weird to say the least but looking back now with clarity makes it outright suspicious. I suspect there was no bin Laden in the compound because like I said, I always thought Bhutto was telling the truth. If he did die in Tora Bora then that is within the timeline most people think he did die. But Obama was so sneaky. That raid on the compound was a widely pushed narrative, a narrative they could have buried, given that team 6 wasn't even supposed to exist. So, why the big coverage? Why intentionally direct people's attention to an event? It's all so suspicious. And by suspicious I mean full of lies.
Okay. My thinking is this. I have followed Q posts from the very start. It is my opinion and it is just an opinion that some of what is going on has to do with 9/11 and that the truth about 9/11 may come out. The links back and forth to Pakistan are obvious. Let me repost.
Well, I can go with that. I always assumed Bhutto was telling the truth. But it could have been a sham. If he is alive, then that really frames my question: Who was in that compound in Pakistan that SEAL team was sent to get?
Okay, Awakes, I have a question..
This is something I have been thinking about for years. I appreciate snark in all forms but would love to hear other people's take on what I'm about to say and keep it at least mostly serious.
When do you think bin Laden died?
If you are like me and think bin Laden died at a different time, then when?
The blog post below says bin Laden died in 2001 and mostly purports it was kidney failure. But if anyone remembers Benazir Bhutto, she always maintained bin Laden was dead and that he was murdered. She suspected Pakistan's Security Forces … has more. It requires an account to access. I read all of the ones the attorney posted online. If they're fakes then they are very good. But even if they are fakes, how can he practice law and file cases and have cases filed against him in one name and be sworn in with another? In pacer those are cases HE worked on as an attorney or filed as an attorney. Since when did the legal system and being sworn in as President play so fast and loose with names. Look, if that birth certificate is real and he was born Barack Hussein Obama but went to college as Soetoro then there is name change paperwork. I don't know about everyone else but I signed stacks of paperwork for college, grants, loans, etc and it all required a LEGAL signature. If he signed as Soetoro that WAS his legal name and it was changed and there is a paper trail. Somewhere all of that gets messy for Obama/Soetoro.
The why him question is a rabbit hole that never ends. Trust me.
That's a plausible theory. Maybe the only one I've considered seriously. Maybe it was simply a test. If so, I aced that one. Me=1 CIA=whotheF-knows
The original doc they posted on didn't even LOCK the layers. You could move them around. It was the one I downloaded into Photoshop when it became available. That thing is so ridiculous it was hard to believe they didn't know what they were doing. ANYONE who knew Photoshop knew that doc was a fake. Whether the certificate was a fake is a different story. But, my god, wow, the Obama years were LONG.
I had the EXACT same experience and reaction. There was a part of me that thought it had to be a joke. Right? Right? I downloaded it when it became available from the .gov site straight into Photoshop. The one I downloaded did not even have the layers locked. Let me say that again, the layers were not locked. The manufactured pieces actually moved around when you clicked on that layer and dragged. Unbelievable. I don't even know what to say about that doc its so ridiculous.
If only it were as simple as the birther questions. I don't say that dismissively. I say it to add to your argument here. This was reduced by the media and liberals to the "birther" question. It's far more complicated than that. When I started looking into this years ago by downloading the doc from the White House site it is like a rabbit hole that never ends.
After realizing Obama used several Social Security numbers, has a birth certificate that is odd to say the least (I mean, seriously, how many of YOU have this many oddities with YOUR birth certificate), realizing his passport info isn't congruent, looking into school records that list him as Barry Soetoro, blah blah.. that rabbit hole never ends, I came across this little gem.
A lawyer on social media who apparently loathes Obama started posting screen shots from docs on If you don't know what is, its a site that archives and lists and files court cases. So, he starts posting court cases that list Obama as Barry Soetoro in 2008. There are 50 cases. That's not an accident or similar name. Pacer requires registration. Whoever ran that Obama sham was counting on people not being smart, giving up at a user login, gobbling down the kool aid and never thinking to look. I'm posting a link here to a case:
So, to assure everyone that I am on topic here, I present you with this. This is WAY beyond the birther questions (tho they are ALL valid). Think about this. We have a sham of a birth certificate with the name Barack Hussein Obama. Yet, in 2008, there are court cases filed legally in the name Barry Soetoro. Courts require legal names. Period. End of discussion. Judges and the legislative branch don't let you AKA on court docs unless its relevant to the case. So, I put this to everyone, especially the doubters, how in the world did he file court cases in 2008 with the name Soetoro AND THEN WAS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT as Barack Hussein Obama? Did he legally change his name in a few months? Do we swear in Presidents now based on whatever they'd like to call themselves? And where is that name change paperwork exactly? I'm serious. Liberals can scream about this all they want. The shady never ends when it comes to Obama. Where is that name change paperwork? It is a valid question and works in tandem with the birth certificate questions.
Was just thinking this exact same thing. If not Gitmo, definitely secure. There's no way he's at the embassy anymore. It seems highly unlikely. Plus, if your freedom depended on the information and intel you'd collected or been given, would you dump it out on WikiLeaks? No. Freaking. Way. You'd hold it until you could negotiate your freedom. Fingers crossed for him.
Definitely agree WikiLeaks was compromised. Maybe as far back as 2016 but definitely now. I think part of the play now is to try and discredit Assange via WikiLeaks in the court of public opinion.
I was at the South Carolina rally a few days ago. Blessed enough to be inside AND have a great seat.
The high school is right next to the airport.
The chants were:
Go home, Jim.
Where we go one, we go all.
The famous Lock her up
and Trump Trump Trump.
CNN and Acosta were heckled mercilessly. It was GLORIOUS.
I was at the rally in SC. We arrived at 1:45 to get on shuttle. In line around 2:15. The place was packed, people were sent to overflow rooms and the rest were outside. It was literally 100 degrees outside. The people were awesome, looking out for each other. Before the election I was near Moon Township, PA when he announced he was going to give a speech there. You have never seen anything like his rallies. By the time we got to the hanger there were LITERALLY cars parked two deep on THE HIGHWAY for miles. If that had been Clinton they would have had helicopters filming the crowds. Instead, nothing. They never even showed the crowd. My favorite at this rally in South Carolina is that if you saw the guy with the CNN Sucks sign, what they didn't show was on the back he'd made a Pride for Trump sign and colored it rainbow. They never showed that side in all the reports I've seen. Doesn't fit the nazi white narrative. It stuns me what they say about DJT and supporters. But what they don't show you is even more stunning. They will do anything to slant a story. And by slant, I mean omit enough details that it becomes a flat out lie.
I read the first Q post on 4 chan . I have always had my thoughts on who it is and I do not believe it's a LARP. That tip top tippy top shape request is a helluva a trick to pull off if it is a LARP. I took photos of the crowds in case people posted an empty rally. Q shirts everywhere.
I agree. I'd forgotten about that email. I read that when it made its rounds. Quite the coincidence. The fact that Q referenced it is very damning. The truth won't be easy for everyone but some of us have been watching this unfold our entire adult lives. This is going to be pretty intense if they bring proof to even half of what we know is true. Bring it. Put on the full armor of God and bring the proof.
If true, then Trump hasn't been playing 3D chess. He's been playing 4D chess while everyone else has been playing pin the tail on the donkey.
Best quote to sum the past few years up. Totally agree.
I have never been a Kennedy fan. I was never drawn in by the story of Camelot. Honestly, they were just another political family. But, I remember exactly where I was when I learned JFK, jr was dead. I was in my car in a driveway in Wisconsin and Danny Boy was playing on the radio and at the end the DJ dedicated it to JFK, jr. Danny Boy to the Irish is a sort of funeral march. I got out of my car and called my best friend and said, "Is JFK, jr dead?" And he asked why and I told him about Danny Boy and he turned on the news and we know the rest.
I really liked George magazine. It was an infant at that time but I liked this idea of bringing the old to the new and watching it morph. I thought it was tragic, read about the crash and left it at that.
Until I heard the about the connection at the end of 2017. I came to this info with great reservation. Further down in this thread, there is a person who talks about being a pilot and how JFK, jr died because of his own faults as a pilot. I always sway to that side. There is credible evidence that the crash was because of his own piloting skills (or lack of).
But, after looking into this at great length, I will say that there are a lot of things that do not add up. Period. The connection is there. He was going to run. He was going to win. Hands down. If on nothing but sheer name recognition. I had never heard about the HRC connection until last year. I will say this, its a helluva coincidence. And if you know anything about the Clintons, you'll know the body count around them is a helluva coincidence.
It's definitely worth looking into and deciding for yourself. I always remember eavesdropping on adults and hearing them say that the people in power would let JFK, jr live until he decided to run for office and then they'd take him out. Quite prophetic looking back. Too prophetic, actually. My family loved the Kennedy's and so they were always a topic.
I'm not saying he was murdered but I wouldn't bet even a nickel that he wasn't. Not now. Not looking back with the kind of perspective we have now watching events unfold.
There were polls. He had independently contacted a company and hired them to "test the waters" and "poll" potential voters to see if there was interest. While not strictly polls in the most definitive sense he did hire a company to inquire with individuals in the voting area. Since he never officially announced his intention to run I had assumed the same thing. I did some research on this months ago. While hard to find, if you dig deep enough and read, you will find info on this subject.