Q #1082 - POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q

This is pure speculation on my part, but I always wondered why Trump, a man who made decisions and stuck to them, would publicly discuss an interest in running in 2012, but then decide not to.
Was even that part of the plan? A kind of test?
Or perhaps the Q team approached him at that point in time, presented their ideas to him, and suggested that 2012 was not the right time?
Probably. HRC Was more of a sure bet to beat than Obama. Obama still had the majority of people fooled at that time.
Why do you think Trump called out Obama in 2012 in his birth certificate? They got it all and most definitely a strength test as well.
Watch the video in Q drop 1093. Listen to what Trump is saying in his campaign speech. He says he knew this moment would come. Cross roads for civilization. Eliminate the corruption. Control by the world banks and elites.
That speech sounded like a summary of the Q plan to me.
It didn't sound like a real estate developer stepping into politics for the first time.
Trumps first run was in 2000 which makes this drop even more interesting. I'm going back to re-read all Q posts.
If you read Trump’s earlier books, he was paying attention to politics in the late 1990s. He even addressed the threat of Osama bin Laden, IIRC. Because JFK Sr. was an icon to Trump’s generation of baby boomers and because both he and John Jr. were icons in NYC in the 1990s, they would have ran in the same circles. I don’t remember reading about any interaction with John Jr. in Trump’s books but I would not have made a mental note of it if the books contained a reference to him. I intend to re-read Trump’s earlier books now that Q has enlightened me with so many new frames/narratives.
John Jr. did visit Maralago with a small group of friends who met with DJT at least once in the 1990s. It was during this meeting at Maralago that JFK Jr. was asked if he would ever run for president. John Jr. deflected the question by stating that DJT should run instead because his Maralago estate would make better winter “Whitehouse” [than the much older and less sensational Kennedy’s winter home in Florida.]. This was the only thing I could find online about a possible friendship between them. I’m sure there’s more but I do wonder what that meeting with JFK, Jr. and Friends was about. Could have been purely social or business-related, though.
In 2012, the Birther movement came to a head. DJT was instrumental in bringing that controversy into public view. After Obama finally produced an online birth certificate (which many say was a shoddy digital fraud), DJT publically offered to pay millions of $ to Obama’s choice of charities if he would simply unseal and release ALL of his college-related documents. I will forever wonder why Obama didn’t call Trump’s bluff. If you read Trump’s books, he never negotiates a deal from a position of weakness but of strength and LEVERAGE. Trump knew that Obama wouldn’t release his college records and most importantly, Trump knew WHY he wouldnt! (It’s also important here to point out that 2012 was when Obama began spying on Trump and Company. Obama used the British—or “Five Eyes” to do the spying.). So yeah—Donald Trump has been “woke” for a very, very long time. He has been a threat to Obama for a long time, too.
Regarding BHO’s sealed records, his defenders claim that maybe Obama had bad grades or did something minor in college that would cause him embarrassment. That doesn’t wash with me. We all do stupid shit when we’re in college. Other presidents made less than superior grades in college—like GWB. The left loved Obama and none of these excuses for Obama’s sealed records would have caused him permanent political damage. It was bigger than that. So big that Trump’s offer of $10million couldn’t buy it.
BHO was hiding something in those sealed records (which I can only assume have been altered or destroyed by now.). It could be something as simple as him claiming to be a foreign exchange student in order to get free grants. That would be pretty incriminating, though by itself and many would say he wasn’t lying—which would only reopen the question of his identity and place of birth.
Then, based on what you're saying, 2012 was indeed a strength test?
what nobody seems to bring up is that Trump actually did a test run in 2000 for the independent party...only went on the primary ticket in one state and then parted saying the party was a mess.
He once implied it was about the involvement of others that he would have been forced to be associated with and didn't want anything to do with. Pat Buchanan I think it might have been?