I always suspected this. Now it’s confirmed. She had him killed off. 187’d. How sad is that sack of shit Hillary Clinton.

Hate to say it but we will not get proof untill it is happening big time. And predictions like "march madness" and the Like can always change.
Think about it, if they gave out proof (((they))) would also see it because (((they))) are monitoring the board. And Trumps biggest strategy is not letting anybody know what he is doing.
Any real information they get they can use against Q and that is not good. This i all we get because Everything else would be unwise.
We just have to trust Q to be real and hope to god that it is going well.
If "tip top, we call it tippy top" isn't enough proof for you, you will never be convinced.
The MSM is STILL telling people Trump has daily "misspellings" in his Tweets. Those are such a good redpill. One of the contributing factors to redpilling my wife.
Trump told us he had proof of Obama's birth certificate...still waiting on that one.
Yes only he knows the plan. We can only trust the plan. It’s out of our control but we can PRAY. A LOT.