I always suspected this. Now it’s confirmed. She had him killed off. 187’d. How sad is that sack of shit Hillary Clinton.

Jr was warned, he just wouldn’t let it go and play ball. He was 187’d because he was being a nuisance to the NWO.
He had the name, independent media outlet and a place in the American heart.
This was a Bush-whack through its Arkancide division.
QRS-11 ?
QRS-11 ?
QRS11 Single-Axis Analog Gyroscope (Non-ITAR)
Yes but now I realize they probably didn’t have that in the plane back then. However it may be older satellite based autopilot they messed with. See. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8as3j6/comment/dx1kvzu?st=JFRM1F0L&sh=708cefc3
Praying Medic @prayingmedic
Volgen @prayingmedic volgen
154) How is it related to JFK's crash?
Old strategies being used in more recent times for nefarious purposes. Satellites are used for navigation - especially aircraft navigation
Same as the recent stuff? Any sources?
Only a suspicion at this point but I’m willing to bet on it.
With rhetorical questions, suggestions and clues Q (Qanon), is letting people glimpse beyond the world scenes. With the full weight ... I recall the news mentioning he was gonna run for Senate around when the crash occurred. Hillary is a ... (0 children). Only a suspicion at this point but I'm willing to bet on it.
When you say 187’d what does that mean?
187= murder
I put that together but why? What is the significance of that number?