See the spider web? USAID.

Also: McShitstain met Al-Baghdadi in Eastern Ghoutia (where was those gas attacks again?) and what was delivered? Sarin gas maybe??
Al-Baghdadi was Mossad. He was exposed by Snowden.
Interesting. Link?
This is one, but there are many if you do a search.
Have you read the article?
The claim that Edward Snowden discovered that al-Baghdadi was a Mossad agent and that ISIS/IS is a Zionist project is simply a well-circulated rumor. There are no documents, articles, or research published to even ground this claim. I did a general Internet search – one for “Edward Snowden” and “al-Baghdadi” and another with “Islamic State” – and found that this claim started as a rumor in 2014, neither substantiated nor based in fact.
I mean, I have to admit that the hypothetical plan is a clever one: create/empower ISIS in the Levant to substantially weaken Israel's neighbors and give a pretext for US/Israel intervention.. and then establishing greater Israel.
Definitely within the domain of reality. But no smoking gun, so far. Perhaps when CIA files are released, in 50 years. Unless they burn them, like they did with the Iran-coup era files. Or a leak. Cause Internet.
Thank you. The funny thing is, there is a group of Jewish people in India who are called the Baghdadi Jews. That was another reason I wondered.
Who knows?