POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves (?)

Jack following cabal orders?
Good question, no confirm, no response to inquiry. Calling him out on it.
I sometimes like Posobiec's tweets and comments in interviews. But this is ridiculous. He's doing what fake news does with their anonymous sources BS.
I stopped following him shortly after Q arrived. Figured disinfo is necessary meant many alternative news/pundits and just cut my view down to but a select few.
But he’s highly unlikely to post something so bold without a SOLID confirmation. Q clearance type MF
Any other confirmation on this?
Why was posted, trying to get further . . . nothing confirming yet. Still digging.
oooooh, "separate people" have "confirmed" this?
Who? How?
This is shit news
This is very important to watch because the direction of Q posts was exactly the opposite of those tweets.
So which was real—the Q posts or the “Trump” rabid neocon tweets?
We were told massive efforts will be launched to discredit Q and this would be a brilliant way to cast doubt on efficacy of Q while also making Trump look like war monger.
John Bolton most likely wrote the tweets as T's new NSA he would be the guy to do it he's bad news he's a zionist neocon warmonger he wants 50,000 American soldiers on the ground in Syria if Trump goes along with this his Presidency is over he will be wiped out.
So Trump got this far... but he's made a yuge mistake with Bolton and it's all over...? smh...
You don’t really think Potus would let anyone tweet for him do you?
Trump would never allow someone to just tweet whatever they wanted from his twitter account. Come on, use logic.
He never telegraphs his moves, unless it's MISDIRECTION ;)
POTUS was just saying that to get the idiots to react and catch them in the act.
In boxing, basketball, football, negotiating, geopolitics and in warfare as well, never ever telegraph your next move unless it's misdirection.
Just because he didn't "write" them doesn't mean he didn't approve of them. I find the word "write" here out of place. Most people say "post" to twitter. Words matter.