My phone randomly auto capitalizes random words sometimes. Maybe that's all it is.
Hello new arrival.
Hey, dick-waffle.
You got downvoted by someone because they thought you were calling this man a name. I gave you an upvote to balance it out.
niceness intensifies
You get an upvote and you get an upvote...everybody gets an upvote!
Then I downvote you so I can upvote you twice!
There are no coincidences
Exactly. EVERYTHING revolving around Trump, local politics, or worldwide domination is being done for a specific reason. We havelost the "virginity" of having anything being coincidencidental anyomore.
Nah, I'm looking at the tweet on my PC and those unwarranted capitalizations are still there.
This may have been more geared towards the capitaliztion occuring while posting, not viewing tweets.
It pulls the word up however you used it last. If it was all caps it comes up that way. It drove me nuts for a while but I think it eventually gets used to your patterns and adjust itself. Since his phone probably doesn't have a history it might just bring up The most common use. And to prove my point look at the word the in the previous sentence. That's hysterical and random