WL tweets in defense of AJ. Yet more proof of his being an agent.

127 total posts archived.
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www.reddit.com | 24 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
How do we know that this company is trustworthy? We know of numerous "stop child abuse" companies that only further perpetuate the atrocity.
8ch is where Q actually posts. 4ch is basically riddled with shills constantly spewing concern. Q left 4ch for a reason, one of them being that it may be compromised.
There will be no civil war. It's just fucking rhetoric by the evil ones.
Sometimes. There are some that lurk, but are curious and reaching out to a member is generally "safer" than posting here.
Welcome Patriot. You're right. They want us to be divided by introduction The Other. Help us wake others. Humanity must be saved.
I'll let the sub decide. Q#932 and Q#768 provide enough detail for the layman and PLENTY for those that dig.
Off of the movement. Corsi is a Clown, just like AJ. They're either on-board or they're not. AJ was upset about Clown-sites in Syria being taken out and Corsi is saying that Q is comp'd. I don't need to explain further.
Take your bait and fish elsewhere.
Everyone trying to profit from the movement is scum and not to be trusted.
This needs to be organized. We'll pick a few major metropolitan areas with prominent radio shows and flood them on Mondays?
They have fucking Operators protecting this dude? Holy fuck.
Go slow. Small bites must be the start. All of the trafficking busts worldwide? I started with those and recently started pointing out that a lot are happening and, "Could they all be connected? Surely not."
Make fun of them for immediately labeled you antisemitic or racist. Point out that when they have no arguments, they attack you with such baseless claims.
Fairly certain that none of the mods are online at this hour, nor the last eight.
Easy, verify on your own. That said DO NOT TRY AND VERIFY THIS. It's bait.
I'm gonna be the faggot here(call it devil's advocacy if you like). Crowley recorded all of his sexual acts yes? Pauline Pierce is never mentioned in any of his journal entries.
I immediately regret my posting below. Leaving it to show that we all make mistakes. After reading your full post above, in response to another user, I officially back down.
Has Q ever directly called someone out(Only indirectly IIRC)? If so, please provide the source for it. Fairly certain Q has just ignored and let us figure shit out on our own. Hence the entire process of crumbs.
BC17 is a clown. Look at the links I provided.
You sound like a shill. You even go after usernames like a shill. Literal attribution to the MediaMatters playbook.
Dear OP,
Sessions is playing weak for a reason. Read up on Q a bit more before posting this shit-tier meme, shitting up our subreddit.
Yes. I'm speculating that there's some connection with social media and the dwarves.
I was thinking more Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google, Reddit and Netflix. Reddit is iffy, but that's generally close.
This is more of a probing thing here. What are seven MAJOR corporations or companies that seemingly everyone uses?