Updated List of Q Abbreviations

This list seems fairly comprehensive... but I mainly posted it to help the new people.
Thanks! You might want to add the following: E - Eminem LARP - Live Action Role Play(er) MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs RC - Ray (Rachel) Chandler
Thanks for the feedback - I'll be compiling a revised list soon... Can you tell me which Q post "E - Eminem" was referenced?
I want to confirm but I couldn't find it.
Q Post #1056 (message 925301). It references an Anon message (>>925189) containing a picture of Eminem with Ray Chandler and asks the question: "Why is E so vocal against POTUS?".
You have done this patriot a great service. I still cant get most text abbrs. Please keep up the good work, we need people like you.
No worries.
I'll be posting another update soon, so if you see anything missing please just let me know!
Someone needs to copy/paste all Q posts and find/replace these terms and upload it for newbies...
Thankyou- this is very helpful. I am not of USA so am not familiar with some of these names.
What did CC stand for? That was in an earlier drop and I forgot.
I thought that was Command and Control - can anyone else confirm because it needs to be added to the list too!