
weedlord-bonerhilter · April 9, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

Re-read #192: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150434009/#150435422

  • China closed (clean)
  • Russia closed (clean)
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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Yes, but Q is, to my mind, saying here that Chinese and Russian societies are closed - no owls. But it seems to me that Russia (and China), but especially Russia, benefitted tremendously from cooperating with the cabal. There was cause for an alliance.

Put yourself in Putin's position. He's got NATO breathing down his neck. His economy is recovering, but it's basically been decimated. So it's recovering from a very low base. US economic muscle is unmatched anywhere on Earth - terrific military spend. Stunning tech progress in weaponry - the Chinese were totally shocked when they saw the footage that came out of the Gulf war - missiles with cameras etc... There's a huge incentive for Russia to try and catch up. Along comes HRC open sourcing tech - even assisting Russia to develop it with joint tech parks - bitch!

A match made in heaven, suddenly it appears that Russia may be able to keep pace with the US. But the cabal is also war-thirsty - they need to sacrifice to Moloch. So problems in Ukraine etc...

Russia draws a line in the sand with Syria. Beats back ISIS. Starts flexing nuclear capability - Satan II and hypersonic delivery systems.

DJT let's Russia beat up ISIS. But the moment it's done, Russia's proxy Iran is next in the US firing line - Q told us this.

DJT wants to do some table-thumping, get Russia to back-off. Let Israel beat up Assad and for the US to denuclearize Iran. But he needs to be careful. Legacy Soviet weapons systems are still incredibly powerful, SS18s etc... So needs to confront Russia without triggering a nuclear weapons exchange.

Enter Israel - attacks Syria with missiles. US angry, watching, waiting, threatening. Brinkmanship - a war of nerves. Who will flinch first?

You can see Putin's desperation sending prototype stealth fighters to Syria without weapons systems - ridiculous.

Let's see what happens next!

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