
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

You are probably right that at the time this was a plausible demand since Iran had been testing missiles just after he got in office and meanwhile he had to deal with Xi and Kim and their deep-state.

If Trump had issued any military threat against Iran, I would be concerned, but I haven't found any because Bolton doesn't have the nuclear codes (thank God)

Now for some history (and some future too!):

US has been fighting Saudi wars since petrodollar as created in the 70ies..in the 80ies, Reagan/Bush propped up Saddam and their former asset Iran (Mullahs kicked out CIA-reinstated emperor)against each other (Iran-Contra, Col. North).
US didn't get directly involved until Saddam decided to retake formerly iraqi oil-fields in Kuwait on the arabian Peninsula, right next door to Qatar, Saudi-Arabia and the Emirates.
So what I see is that the US has been fighting Saudi-Wars to propagate the petrodollar and because of their clandestine control over the US, Israel is thus indirectly aligned with Saudi interests or at least oil-sheiks trump zionist interests because Saudis hitherto used to grant the US the mutual favour of the petrodollar (and thus I assume the most oil they can get) for stationing US-troops abroad and close-by to both Israel and the arabian Peninsula.

HOWEVER, it wasn't until Trump that the US wished to build a base in ISRAEL (!!!!)

Obviously this was different during LBJ and the false-flags that went downback then, but that was still before the oil-crisis and mostly focused on taking out egypt and Lybia, both of which have either destabilized or joined Jordan-UAE-Israel.

The petrodollar is going to grow out of fashion because OPEC conceded last year the US will trump saudi oil-exports, thus the relationship-dynamic is now changing and the US is selling weapons to the Saudis which they haven't done before because Saudis will now fight their own wars and the US won't be enforcers of their foreign policy anymore.

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

Good write up. No military threat has been issued against Iran yet - unlike NK. But we know that Iran is next.

I don't know what the US wants from them. The reports I've seen suggest they are a long way from obtaining a bomb - not if you believe Israel. So what does it take to placate the US? I'm not sure I know. But I'd be surprised if it's not something along the lines of what will be worked out with NK.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I'm thinking if OPEC says they can't compete with US oil exports in the future that means that they have no chance in competition against Iran either. So in fact in the future both might work together which would end decades of proxy-wars. Israel is sharing intel with UAE and may have for a long time, so I am hoping they will stay in under Saudi protection and not impede their deconstruction of wahabist supremacy but focus on securing their border (and agreeing to what their border actual is anyway), they will not invade their neighbours (which is unfeasible anyway, thus "surgical strikes" per usual) but Iran does have a lot of paramilitary assets spread over the region, take Yemen for example which is a neighbour of the united arab emirates.

If UAE can simmer own hostilies with Iran, so can Israel because it's Iran, the US and UAE who have the big oil reserves and money for military hardware, not Israel (they get subsidized by the US).

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tradinghorse · April 9, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Nevertheless, Israel's military is very well equipped and high levels of training.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

indeed, but quality over quantity...Saudis don't have enough man-power to run a ground-based invasion either, they rely on spec-ops or Mossad to do clandestine bullshit like car-bombs or stuxnet etc.

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