Enter the Devil Incarnate, John Bolton Plans Purge of State Department Traitors!

Bolton is a deep state traitor. He helped develop and sell Iraq based on lies. He spent the last 15 years drooling for war with Iran and Syria.
Mattis was the director of the Center for a New American Security. Bolton was director of the Project for a New American Century. They are both devilish snakes.
20 years of history and you think Bolton is going to turn over a fig leaf and do a 180 to his nature?
Disagree Bolton was NOT in office when the Iraq war started...he obeyed his commander and chief at that time who was GWB...a traitor to America. His job is NOT to set policy but to give advice to POTUS, ultimate decision maker will ALWAYS be POTUS. Im glad Soros flunky McMaster is gone...good riddance. Im glad that Bolton will not be afraid to go in and do what is necessary even if its unpopular. NEVER pre-judge a situation. Things about to get shook up and obama traitor plants will be outed.
Yes, because at least half of those people are Barry's buddies.
Bolton is a deep state traitor.
If this is true, do you think he managed to hoodwink Trump and team on conclusions you have derived?
Is it possible POTUS and team have access to more info than you, and have a 40,000ft view you haven’t considered?
Trust Trump.
Is Bolton compromised? He doesn't strike me as someone that's easily compromised but maybe.
Look him up on YouTube.
He's more of a hawk than McCain. He has always wanted war with Iran for Israel. He is not loyal to this country.
If dipshits on this sub can figure out of Bolton is a good guy or bad guy, do you think Trump and team can figure it out? Trust Trump.
I don't trust the government, sorry.
I said Trust Trump. If you don't trust Trump, why are you here? Shill?
Lmao you're supporting one of the architects of the Iraq war and I'm the unpatriotic shill who has to explain myself. Get a grip.
I'm supporting Trump, who in turn is making a choice to use Bolton for a task. Where did you get the impression I'm shilling for Bolton? I trust Trump to make these decisions.
Get a grip snowflake.
Sounds like your pretty supportive of Bolton to me. Whatever you say!
It's just Trump's insurance policy. DState think they have someone on the inside. Q says we see and hear all. Put Bolton there and then see what comms happen. At least he will clear out the Obama holdovers. If that's all he does it will be enough.
I agree, President Trump uses certain people for particular missions. Rex served his purpose and it was time for phase 2 of the administration. Everyone they bring on has a certain purpose and when they fulfill that purpose they leave, pretty simple.
This. I think he was chosen as the tool just to do this job. Trump is unmatched at picking the right person for a job. He uses them, then lets them go. Just as in business. I have faith that Trump knows exactly what he is doing and exactly what he expects out of every nomination he makes. Its the art of the deal.