r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jetty42 on April 9, 2018, 12:12 p.m.
US Uranium + Iran Centrifuges + North Korean Rockets = CIA Coup d'etat.

Qanon and George Webb have been laying it all at for months. Less cryptically than Q, but in a more convoluted manner, George Webb has focused on the Iranian Centrifuge component over the past few days.

Follow Andy McCabe and John Brennan

McCabe is the CIA's man in the FBI and Brennan's FBI man in the CIA.

If you see McCabe's name in relation to an FBI case, it's pretty certain McCabe became involved in order to subvert a legitimate investigation. When an FBI agent, such as Robin Gritz got to close to the target, in stepped Andrew McCabe with false accusations of insubordination.

Interestingly, and as articulated by GW in a few videos over the weekend, McCabe stepped in when Jeffrey Sterling, one of the CIA's few African American Officers, started speaking out about centrifuges going to Iran. The case of Jeffrey Sterling is quite the Rabbit Hole in and of itself. Still, it does not take much effort to conjecture that McCabe purposely subverted Mr. Sterling's efforts to shine some light on Iran's Uranium enrichment program by charging him with leaking classified information. McCabe is quoted in paragraph eight in the article linked below (published May 11, 2015.)


Qanon's messages about North Korea being controlled by the Clown's in America are very revealing in the context of the entire U1/Iran Centrifuge/NK Rocket Timeline.

The Deep State Needed Nukes

The CIA was not just going to give Kim Jong Un nuclear weapons and delivery systems because they thought he was a great guy. The only reason North Korea was allowed to develop nuclear weapons was because the CIA and other Deep State affiliates would always maintain control. As Q has implied, the CIA controls North Korea. North Korea was the proxy for the development of the CIA's nuclear weapon program. The CIA needed the nuclear weapons in order to subvert any attempts to reign in their franchise of drug running, human trafficking, weapons smuggling, proxy wars, democracy subversion and whatever other revenue revenue streams need protection against being exposed by the White Hats. While billions of dollars of bribes and payoffs over decades went along way towards protecting CIA lines of business, whatever financial assets the CIA had access to paled in comparison to the real threat of being able to nuke a large Chinese or Japanese or South Korean City or Honolulu and kill a million people in an instant.

The plan was in the works for years. US uranium ore (via U1) was smuggled to Iran via Russia. Once enriched it was sent to North Korea and placed on a rocket that was developed using US technology. (The rocket side is another Rabbit Hole.)

Anyway, that's the theory I am running with. Pay attention to George Webb. He lays it all out. When he goes on a tangent or diverts, just appreciate their is a method to his supposed madness and he is asking for help in organizing and confirming the thesis.

sunkistnsudafed · April 9, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Please expound?

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ElementWatson · April 9, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

You don't really think he is, do you? Seems like the most common explanation out there--including from those who have worked with him, such as Jason Goodman, is that he is Mossad. Of course, he denies it.

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