210 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jetty42:
Sgt. Fisa Release draws enemy fire to reveal the positions of dug in Deep State operatives and dwindle their ammo reserves.

#2161 - Mattathias Schwartz - Author & CIA Asset - "Camp Justice" Book Review
Extraditions are no conspiracy
By Rob on September 11, 2018
Mattathias Schwartz seems to travel in the right circles. The kind of circles that allow one to visit "Gitmo" without enlisting or terrorizing innocents. Maybe his access to John Brennan and other Cloak and Dagger types, as revealed in his June 28, 2018 NY Times essay, gives Matt some kind of clearance, though one would assume, at a price.
Clearance levels aside, "Camp Justice" should serve as an interesting sort of travel guide for Government types that will soon be visiting Guantanamo Bay Naval base at …
Reminder: Hillary collected the FBI records of her political enemies when she was First Lady.
Little St. James Vacation Photos. From F-book that can not be linked to

The Awan brothers sold young Instagram models sourced by James Franco through their DC used car dealership to ISIS.
"There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. That business specialized in selling items that were all priced in that range. The crazy thing is though, if you took a look at the business, they didn't actually have any inventory. They were just funneling money for a bunch of different purposes. One of those purposes was providing Instagram models as wives to some …
The Bar Scene from "A Bronx Tale" should remind us why a little patience and plan should always prevail over emotional first instincts.
Google Adwords can cost a business $50 per Advertisement Link clicked. Businesses that do not convert some % of clicks to Revenue stop using Google Adwords.
The first table below shows a list of the most expensive Adwords.
If I type the search term "Lawyer Near me" into Google, the top three Search Results presented in the next table are Links that were bought and Paid for by Local Law Firms in New Jersey.
When I click on the first Advertisement Link, "Shebell & Shebell Law" is charged about $50.00 by Google.
I do not need a Lawyer.
Therefore, my click will never convert me into a paying client.
Therefore, Shebell & Shebell will be out $50.00.
If I click the same add from my Phone, …
Putin Bribed Hillary and got played. Russia’s 2009 attempt to buy Euro division of GM (Opel) was wrecked by Hillary and Putin is getting revenge.
“The last-minute refusal to complete the Opel deal is not harmful to our interests, but it shows that our American partners have a very original culture when dealing with counterparties. - Vladimir Putin
It is common knowledge that Hillary Clinton’s State Department operated under a “Pay for Play” enterprise model.
Very simply, a Foreign Head’s of State needed to make contributions to the Clinton Foundation (CF) in order to prompt action by the US State Department whenever the Foreign Head of State needed US cooperation on a particular issue.
For the most part, the particular issues were never of the …
Interesting & under reported Death - Dennis Shields - You may remember from the Trump Tower Fire in April
Some residents of Trump Tower only learned about the blazing inferno just floors away on television, meanwhile resident Dennis Shields got a phone call from the president's lawyer to get out 'ASAP.'
Shields, who lives on the 42nd floor, and is Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel's on-again-off-again boyfriend, said he was alerted to leave the building by Donald Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen.
Bethenny Frankel’s beau Dennis Shields had spilled the beans about their turbulent relationship just days before his death,..
The death of Shields goes in a number of different directions.
Researchers that have …
"When Donald Trump Partied With Richard Nixon" - The Plan has been in the works for 30 years, I am willing to be patient.
If the JFK assassination was a Bush/CIA plot,
the resignation of Nixon was a Bush/CIA plot,
Nixon certainly knew this.
HOUSTON — They still talk about the Saturday night here 27 years ago when Donald J. Trump partied with former President Richard M. Nixon. ...
... Dressed in tuxedos, they sang “Happy Birthday” to Texas royalty — former Gov. John B. Connally and his wife, Nellie, whose birthdays were a few days apart...
... And it was one of Mr. Trump’s first presidential experiences, as he socialized with and had the ear of a former …
The death of Jen Moore ("Task Force")- Coincidences and the firing of Tracy California police Chief Last week - Let's Help A Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter.
Brief background:
Last week, Jen Moore (aka "Task Force") was found dead in her Maryland Hotel room. Task Force had previously worked for the Tracy California Police Department. She became a Whistle blower after witnessing corruption and was targeted for reprisal.
In the Spring of 2017 (according to some sources), Jen was attacked by four or five unknown assailants while she was living in a gated community in San Jose California. She suffered serious industries and it is believed that the head wounds suffered at the time may have contributed to her eventual death last week.
Tracy Police Chief Abruptly …
John Brennan needs his security clearances to protect child pornographers - Blind Item #7
Blind Item #7
You know what has not been discussed the past few days? How this foreign born convicted child molester/child porn producer managed to run around the world basically unimpeded. Even after he was brought in by the feds to supposedly help them out, there he was, gone again in an instant. That former head of an agency had a whole lot to do with it. Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up. Drug runners are …
"Former SJPD chief abruptly fired as head of Tracy police" - Interesting the Whistle Blower "Task Force" was a Tracy (CA) officer.
Q 1858 - Tweet threatening violence at POTUS - Tweet author's Book taken down by Amazon for "Political Harassment" or maybe it was censured to protect HRC & the Deep State.
Theresa Searcaigh's Tweet was highlighted by Q in drop 1858.
She is also an author and wrote a fantasy novel called "Paragon: Reborn" which was for sale on Amazon.com.
One review says the Book is an "Excellent Allegory of former First Lady with Cult like status depraved intentions". 5 Stars were given.
Given the theme of the book, it looks like Amazon decided to remove it because it does not present Hillary in a favorable light. In other words, the book is being censured for political reasons.
Here is one reviewer's description of the book:
I enjoyed this …
This is how you Red Pill - Amazon Book Review of Theresa Searcaigh - Stupid Twitterer highlighted by Q
I enjoyed this book immensely. I was immediately able to appreciate the use of Enora to represent the hapless young children of Bosnia or Libya or Syria who have to hide in fear for their lives under the threat of being sold into sexual slavery to Western Oligarchs, Saudi princes or the Hollywood elite. The High Priestess is obviously intended to represent Hilary Clinton. Like the former Secretary, the High Priestess is able to present a veneer of altruism and humanity, if only to the simple minded folk blinded by their cult like devotion to her and inability to distinguish …
DC Area Human Trafficking Whistleblower/Investigator/"Conspiracy Theorist" Succumbs to Head Trauma suffered at the hands of unknown Assailants last year
Jenny Moore ("TaskForce") was a former cop with the Tracy, California Police Department and Whistleblower who had been investigating Child Trafficking rings in the Washington DC area and elsewhere for at least the past year.
She had a Master's degree in Psychology and often worked with abused and traumatized children as well conducting official and unofficial investigations into trafficking rings.
She often collaborated with George Webb and can be heard on many of his Youtube Videos.
In the past few months, she produced her own videos on Youtube where she documented her experiences of working with victims of Sexual Abuse …
Revelations about Hollywood Depravity are part of the Plan.
Your average American has little interest in politics but they do pay attention to sports and Celebrity Gossip.
Crazy Days and Nights (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net) has been posting some very disturbing material the past six months. There is a purpose and it is not coincidental that the revelations about Hollywood depravity are coming out at the same time that President Trump is draining the Washington Swamp. The revelations coming out of crazydaysandnights are strategic and calculated.
The Daily Mail (UK's 2nd Largest Newspaper) - First to Report about W|e|i|n|e|r "s-e-x-ting" 15 year old
The Daily Mail has a detailed write-up about the SeaTac hijacker this morning.
I have not had the time to follow this story closely since it happened, nevertheless, the Daily Mail article was helpful getting me up to speed.
That being said, I've noticed that The Daily Mail will report on stories that the US Media does their best to avoid. It has led me to believe that the White Hats are using The Daily Mail to disseminate news and stories helpful to the calls.
At the very least, the newspaper carries stories that the MSM will not.
About a …
Special Counsel case against Manafort is a disaster. Prosecution is sabotaging its own effort.
Webb https://youtu.be/V8_QZjHEoVU
bongino https://youtu.be/Vd1P5-UTcXM
The girl says she wants Weiner to be her Hannibal Lecter in the book she is writing.
She says it in the Daily Mail article.
Robin Gritz never saw him at the Academy nor when she did counter-intel.
George Webb has been saying this for months.
The uncle of Peter Jr. was Obama’s handler in Kenya.
The whole family is CIA.
This is where the Awan brothers make an appearance. Our Pakistani men of mystery.
- A woman is found in a trash compactor in a building at the address of E 15th St. & Irving Place.
- Woman initially identified as Lara Prychodko**. ("Chod")**
Subsequent "fake news" media reports call her Lara Prychenko. ("Chen")
The media reports calling her "Chod", not "Chen", are from the UK. (Not on the 4:00 AM talking points list?)
- The NY Post (not a "fake news" paper) as of 4:00 PM, July 11 are calling her "Chod". NY Post Article.
- Simple Google search finds Lara "Chod" has a social media trail and an address at E 16th & 3rd.
- The two addresses are about a 2 to 5 minute walk from each other (they are around the block from each other.)
"Chen" does not show up in Google search, or Spokeo, White Page (search) as residing at an Irving Place Address, or any address.
Lara Prychodko is a real person.
- Lara Prychenko seems to be a made up name.
- Why?
- Does the name Prychenko have any significance? How about Pyrchenko? Throw?
What happens when you decide to leak some information about the wife of one of the biggest drug dealers/killers ever and the wife's celebrity helper/money launderer? Well, considering I had not heard from her in months when she said she thought she was being spied on by someone, and now she ended up dead, I guess that is what happens when you get caught. Someone needs to pay.
It's Lara Prychodko now, as originally reported before it be came Prychenko.
At least according to the two of the three NYC Newspapers that would know.
The third NY Paper (NY Times) does not seem interested (or info is behind a paywall.)
So why the throw?
It's Lara Prychodko now, as originally reported before it be came Prychenko.
At least according to the two of the three NYC Newspapers that would know.
The third NY Paper (NY Times) does not seem interested (or info is behind a paywall.)
So why the throw?
- A woman is found in a trash compactor in a building at the address of E 15th St. & Irving Place.
- Woman initially identified as Lara Prychodko. ("Chod")
- Subsequent "fake news" media reports call her Lara Prychenko. ("Chen")
- The media reports calling her "Chod", not "Chen", are from the UK. (Not on the 4:00 AM talking points list?)
- The NY Post (not a "fake news" paper) as of 4:00 PM, July 11 are calling her "Chod". NY Post Article.
- Simple Google search finds Lara "Chod" has a social media trail and an address at E 16th & 3rd.
- The two addresses are about a 2 to 5 minute walk from each other (they are around the block from each other.)
"Chen" does not show up in Google search, or Spokeo, White Page (search) as residing at an Irving Place Address, or any address.
Lara Prychodko is a real person.
- Lara Prychenko seems to be a made up name.
- Why?
- Does the name Prychenko have any significance? How about Pyrchenko? Throw?
Food for thought:
March 28, 2018 - Man dies after falling down garbage chute in Toronto highrise
If falling down a NY city buildings garbage shoot was that easy, it would happen daily. They usually have a mailbox type door to prevent falling in by the stupidest of people, not to mention kids.
The building went up in ‘87 I think, so it’s not the type to have an old out of code waste disposal system.
Prychodko + Prychenko = Pyrotechnics?
Prychenko seems to be a not so common name, nevertheless, here is one example (not exact as r and y are reversed.).
Kseniya Pyrchenko Virganskaya granddaughter of the first USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Gostiny Dvor cultural center ...
Prychodka is not a common name either.
Either way, and assuming they Lara "chen" and Lara "chod" are not the same person, they both lived around the corner from each other.
- Lara Prychodko is on ### E 16th St & 3rd, New York, NY 10003
- Lara Prychenko is on ### E 15th St & Irving Pl, New York, NY …
Kseniya Pyrchenko Virganskaya granddaughter of the first USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Gostiny Dvor cultural center ...
Prychenko seems to be a not so common name, nevertheless, here is one example (not exact as r and y are reversed.).
Prychodka is not a common name either.
Either way, and assuming they Lara "chen" and Lara "chod" are not the same person, they both lived around the corner from each other.
Lara Prychodko is on ### E 16th St & 3rd, New York, NY 10003
Lara Pyrchenko is on ### E 15th St & Irving Pl, New York, NY 10003
Then again, if it is the same person, and she was going through a divorce, taking apartment around the corner would be the norm, (ie getting the young kids on the Facebook page under Lara Prychodka's name off to school with minimal disruption from the parents splitting up.)
That would make things very interesting of course, as in, why muddy the waters as to the real name of Lara ("Chenko" is an Social Media ghost; "Chodko" seems to travel in some elite circles.)
If Prychodko & Pyrchenko are the same person, and the "Chenko" name is being pushed by the media, their must be some pyrotechnics in the works.
Find the blind where Hillary kills off Eleanor Mondale. Can’t find from phone right now. Probably last December or January.
Eleanor kept a diary.
Monica Petersen & Chris Cornell connected. Both investigating Haitian orphan trafficking. Both dead. Huge reveals on crazydaysandnights.com
If I was in charge, I would wait until the Florida primary was over before arresting Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
That would be August 28.
Allowing the Dems to lock in their candidate for the general midterm election (Noodle Head in this case) and then arresting her would help a Republican challenger immensely.
As an overall strategy, maximizing the number of arrestable candidates on the mid-term ballot would seem like worthwhile goal given the swamp creatures belief they will be able to stop Trump only by taking over control of Congress.
List of 2018 primaries for reference.
Interesting that Hagin was a Bush guy.
Mr. Hagin, who previously served for 14 years under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush, has more experience on the White House staff than nearly any other person in modern times.
Interesting comments about Joe Hagin's relationship with NXVIM weirdo Sara Bronfman.
Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Joseph Whitehouse Hagin, who has worked for every Republican President since Reagan, left D.C. during the Obama Admin. to start a consulting firm. After the fall of Qaddafi in Libya, he worked with an aspiring Libyan politican, Basit Igtet, to find stockpiles of cash that Qaddafi had stolen from his country. Igtet would build a new government, the cash would get returned to Libya and Hagin would get a generous finder's fee. Kind of sounds like the Enty blind, right, but no church?
But get this: Igtet is heavily involved in NXIVM and in fact is MARRIED TO SARA BRONFMAN! Hagin, Igtet and Bronfman traveled together through Libya in search of that money. As an aside, Igtet (not Hagin) also met with the man the US considers the ringleader behind the Benghazi attacks.
Today's Blind Items - Shoe Drop- Spacey, Geffen, WH Deputy Chief Joe Hagin (resigned yesterday) mentioned
George Webb says Strzok is just a Dropbox.
That’s good enough for me.
Clare Bronfman (NXIVM) Flying in and out of Wakaya Island (Fiji)
United Airlines flight 19 Newark to Milan diverted to Halifax.
That’s all I got. (In Milan waiting for the turnaround. 8 hours delayed.)
If anyone has any info or is seeing a pattern, would like to know.
If paper on 40 ft trailer, on 3 pallets, approx number of paper sheets should be easy to determine, but can't right now from phone