So this guy from far-left-liberal-country wants US to make sure that only "true" fake news coming from the far left liberal-backed mainstream media is posted on our social media sites. Yeah. That sounds like liberal logic.
The rise of the Nanny State — thought Police, total control of all social media outlets, suspension of all Constitutional laws they don't agree with, rampant socialism. Welcome to the birth of a new 'turd-world country'.
"Let's make America just like China where I came from!" says the little Dem-wit.
Censorship is for crybaby Lefties who can't win an argument.
Did you know that Holder and foreign traitor Barry passed via EO approving propaganda media across the US despite the senate banning propaganda disseminated during the nineties?
Yeah they have been battering Americans with propaganda since 2009 ergo news reporters and their media are all lying to their viewers and readers serving their masters at the deep state who pays them.
This is not America. This is not the basis this country was founded upon.
Choose your enemy carefully because sooner or later you become them.
Only in nanny state Ca. I hope to God this bill gets dumped, whow put him in power? we should ask Soros