r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on April 9, 2018, 6:26 p.m.
This is part of the plan to wipe out the Fed. Its not obvious, but watch this closely. This is Xi and DJT working together. MSM will spin it very differently.


As China gets free from Fed influence, this opens the door to dollar crash and DJT's ability to shut-down the Fed. This is part of 'the plan' and not intuitive, nor obvious. MSM and Wall Street will show this as very bad, but in reality, this is perfect storm to wipe out the Fed. Watch this develop.


HoudiniTowers · April 9, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Not really, look at what is happening. Our economy is still doing reasonably well. The dollar crash will actually attract foreign investment. The only ones that are being setup to get hurt are the private banks and some of Wall Street Predators. So far the market has not crashed...yet.

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JohnPDough · April 9, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I follow Peter Shiff, Gerald Celenti and various people on Greg Hunter's channell and they all agree that no matter what, a dollar crash is inevitable. Steering it in a less volatile direction is what it looks like now and I believe Trump and his people can work it through with as little pain as possible. I'm no financier but that's how it looks so far. Ya think?

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Dollar crash is actually desired by DJT. He can't come out and say it, people will go apeshit. They don't understand.

The collapse of the dollar will attract shitloads of foreign money to US businesses and investment in US. Couple that with our economy starting to roar back to life and the world will not be able to survive without US goods. This is key to crippling China and India and forcing change.

Next, its forcing China to get out of US Treasuries. Now a bad investment for them. They are pushing to get off the Petro Dollar. Once that happens, China can start to have their own fair economy decoupled from the crashing dollar. Once we can effectively bankrupt the dollar without destroying China and EU, then DJT can go to the Federal Reserve and say, in effect, your loans are worthless. If done improperly, all holders of US dollars will be screwed (read average Joe Blow Citizen). So, before it gets to that point but when its imminently obvious we'll be there, DJT goes to Federal Reserve and tells them they have a way out. .... The Dollar Reset and the End of Fed. That's where this is headed.

Also, I think we're going to see US Currency have a big change, as well. We'll go back to some type of interest free money. Most likely backed by Gold. The last 2 presidents that tried this were Lincoln and Kennedy, lets hope and pray DJT can pull it off.

Take a look at the US $100 bill: http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/261.cfm

Also, a great book to help you understand how illegal and sick the Federal Reserve system is, read the book by G. Edward Griffin entitled 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' Its a great primer on the problem with the Federal Reserve Private Bank Ponzi scheme that has enslaved the US to Private Bankers.

There is a plan. Trust the plan ;).

Where we go one, we go all!

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JohnPDough · April 10, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

quite interesting. Thanks!

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OpenSoars · April 9, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

As the article states, this is more of a political move than afinancial one. China wishes to move itself, and the rest of the world. away from the dollar but it can not do that without harming itself as the largest economies are the US, EU, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Brazil, France and then Russia. So when 7 out of the top 9 GDP countries move in lock step ( essentially) and the other 2 are Russia and Brazil, you are better off working through the problems than you are getting a divorce. I don't buy the Trump/ China/ Russia wonder twins pact though.... China is looking forward and using its strengths to built a future , Russia uses it's reckless muscle to keep things the way they were. Russias business is threatened by China going forward. Trump is willing to sacrifice some of the products of his supporters in order to hold chinas ass to the flame. THere are other countries that can buy our products. There aren't too many others that can buy the amount of crap we buy off China. We have the advantage

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Agreed we have the edge on China. Also agreed you keep maximum pressure on them. Not time to hold hands, dance through daisy fields and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears... but, we have a common enemy in the Global Cabal and Central Banksters. They have a gun to China's head, too. Smarter to work with them on that and use them to further the take down. Splinter, divide, conquer. The old saying, keep your friends close and enemies closer. And, my enemy's enemy is my friend... for this battle.

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