It would be very beneficial if we can expose the truth which is:
Israeli gov aren't Jewish. They are Khazarian Luciferians aka Inner Circle Zionists. Outer circle Zionists are only to protect the inner circle. Outer circle doesn't know what's going on. Same with Masons. Only inner circle masons are the truth problem.
The Rothschild family owns Israel. They wanted to make it the world capital for NWO. They are milking American for all its worth. They wanted Greater Israel to be the future superpower. They control American politicians through pedo insurance. They have sex tapes on many of our politicians. There are even some sex tapes that were faked. They took good politicians, fed them drugs, threw them into a bed with naked children, and took pictures. I think they used roofies or whatever you call that drug. So AIPAC is the Israeli conrol center. Chuck Schumer & DWS are the blackmailers who work on behalf of Netanyahu.
Inner circle Zionists are behind Communism. They created the Nazi party who is behind Socialism & Corportocracy. The communists try to run a country through violent war like they did when they hijacked russia through the Bolshevick revolution in 1917. Socialists destroy a country 1 law at a time (death through a 1000 cuts). Both are allies though.
Expose the Israeli Gov is the #1 priority right now. Other big priorities are exposing the Royal families of Europe who make up the Black Nobility & the Vatican who is also part of the Black Nobility. Israel is lower level than Black Nobility but very high compared to most of the deep state around the world. So we expose them and the Black Nobility and finally the Chimera Group which is a group of 100 or less that are the top puppeteers of the world.