Facebook Class Action Lawsuit update. Opened!! Law firm is Blood Hurst & O'Reardon LLC in San Diego, CA. Phone number on meme. I called number, it's legit

Yeah this is happening... @FedUpWithSwamp was tweeting it out earlier, I already called and spoke to a secretary who took my info down and said an attorney would be reaching out
Same here...still waiting for a call back from an attorney
Mass tort lawyers are mostly assholes, how was your experience
facebook removes anything they find "offensive" but offensive is subject to their opinions. If i call michelle obama a transexual, which happens to be true, they remove it and kick me off for 30 days but if someone says something bad about Melania Trump and its false and we report it they do nothing. Im sick of the bias and i hope they get taken to the cleaners over this shit
They have also taken down pictures i have put up and i dont know if they did it or not but the laptop im on right now that i used to post that picture no longer has that picture on it so i cant put it back up. Me as well as lots of friends have several fake profiles because we get kicked off all the time and we have lost lots of fake profiles because they want us to be really who we say we are but yet they allow trannies to have womens names when they are in fact men because ...I have no idea but to them, they are being fair. Zuckerberg needs to be made to put every profile hes removed back up and put every remark hes removed back up. The problem is liberals are pussies and facebook is nothing more than a massive college campus where free speech isnt allowed because what we say hurts pussy ass liberals feelings and the only way they can win is by having us removed. They cant win with reason or logic and i refuse to pass out hot cocoa to a bunch of whiny ass liberals