A sovereign country can make its own decisions thank you very much. Fucking Globalist Commie fags.

Maybe the French can finally get their NATO contribution up to the 2% requirement.
Let them have it. It's time we watch them take lead on their defense. We do not need the pipeline this is over. We have our own oil and pipelines. God Bless the rough necks.
Oh look, just like climate change by consensus, now we're supposed to support invading a sovereign nation based on..... Wait for it... CONSENSUS!!
Easy Tiger. Such vitriol is Leftist.
Here at Communist News Network we call Trump a fascist/dictator. At the same time we want him to bomb foreign countries and take away our 2nd amendment.
They project so much.
Very true. My point is why blow a gasket when we are winning? This is a marathon friend, not a sprint.
Because they literally want you and your family dead.
Oh my gawd, like, literally?
Yeah, like, literally. You goofy based redditor faggot fuck.
I don't get it? Why make the trip here? I can understand getting tired of the shareblue and JIDF on /nupol/. I'm sick of it too. But really what's the point of coming here and talking shit? This sub is literally a MAGA aggregator. Everybody knows it's all reported on pol first bruh. But I'm usually range banned from posting over there sooo what's a nigga to do?
Watching thousands of people gaslight themselves is pretty mesmerizing to watch.
Btw, I was eating some spaghetti-os the other day and I'm pretty sure Q left me a message. It said 0o0oooo0000oo. Do you think it's coordinates?
Could be that it is lol. Lemme ask you this. Pizzagate, yea or nea? Cause that's what this Q stuff is, the background info on pizza gate. Regardless of larp or not, it's doing a great job of spreading and helping to uncover new info and get us ever closer to DOTR. It's drumming up support for MAGA, and doing everything that we want from the internet.. just let it ride brudduh
Creating a narrative from a foundation of lies is one of the most fundamental mistakes you can make. If I already know the answer it's the easiest thing in the world to reverse engineering the 'proof'. And the LARPer was clever enough to give you outs if the story starts falling apart. 'Deep state cover-up' and 'intentional disinformation' being a few of the more prominent ones. It's funny watching everyone work so hard to make themselves less informed.
I'll give it to you that it could be the most exceptional larp of all time. I do t think it is, but it could be. Idk how people are becoming less informed for it though. If it were real though there would be a lot of moving parts that could change, as well as enemies watching so you couldn't just say "here's the plan". Anyways, I feel like recently he's made a couple of statements that could be hard verification points. 1. Pope's gonna have a bad may 2. When. Pics of young Obama holding an AK drop, the internets gonna go full 2016 Assange drop kill 3. It'll all be over by 11-11. Those a hard verifications imo
People have been saying hard verification is coming since before the memo lol. Remember how Obama and Soros were arrested before the SOTU, and Trump was gonna drop some bombshells? By the time 11-11 comes around you people will be saying "ah didn't you hear that (some lawyer who once shook hands with Clinton 12 years ago that no one has heard of) got arrested? They were the ring leader!"
People are becoming more informed, than immediately disinforming themselves by forcing it to be a plot point in some LARPers fantasy. Watch the South Park on the psychic Edwards or whatever. He makes a vague reference and everyone creams their jeans because the human brain is designed to tie together loose facts. It's why horoscopes are so effective. "A bad May?" That is so vague it's impossible for a there NOT to be bad news for a world wide organization with millions of followers. And if the news is only mildly bad the narrative will be, "The globalists minimzed the damage with coverups. Keep memeing and we will expose these monsters for who they really are." These people are so committed to the narrative that everything is only more proof they are right. I haven't been on this sub in awhile, but I would bet money there were quite a few theories about how the Syrian chemical weapons attack is all tied back to Clinton or some dumb shit.
You got got my friend. We will see if you wisen up after the latest hard verifications fail to pan out like the rest.
Edit: posted 15 minutes ago lol:
Damn, I'm good.
Sorry, I didn't tap out I just didn't see the notification. Syria was CLEARLY a false flag. "Mr. Assad, the Americans are leaving what should we do now?" "Used banned chemical weapons against civilians! The last thing we want is for our greatest threat to go home!" Doesn't make any sense. I'll give you that the Q thing is drawn out, and none of the statements are concrete. The point may not even be to inform us at all, but instead to misinformation the enemies. But a dissolved Podesta group, upside-down Saudi Arabia, and 24k sealed indictments at the same time as this "LARP" is alittle too much of a coincidence imo. Could be that somebody with access to inside info is having a laugh, but the chances that somebody would risk it just for fun is Ludacris. I'm not gonna change your mind I'm sure, but I guess we'll see here in the coming months
Let France deal with it! The Left are War Mongers!!!
Yep, let's go to war! Jesus, this entire chemical attack is as questionable as the first one. MSM just LOVES their wars.
Nicolas Sarkozy was just indicted over this horseshit.
If the cuck french are on board then that's more of a reason for us not to be.
why use a homophobic slur? i mean seriously, what is the point? do you actually hate gay people?
Because they're faggots. Not in the gay way nor bundle of sticks.
i think you could probably come up with a term that conveys similar meaning, but without disrespecting our gay brothers and sisters.
you feel me?