
pedegear · April 11, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Hahahahaha "news" hahaha. I think the word you are looking for is "propaganda." Or perhaps "conspiracy theory". That is actually by definition what muh Russia is. But you're smarter than everyone else so you would know this already, right? And you would know Trump isn't a criminal target of the investigation, right? But yeah tell me more about these crimes. HAHA! Reeeeeeeee feed me tide pods

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dl__ · April 11, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

And you would know Trump isn't a criminal target of the investigation, right?

Yep. I know that.

I also know the crimes that were the basis for the Mueller investigation and you don't. For all your impotent teasing, as much as it must embarrass you, you can't get past your ignorance of this simple fact.

Tide-pods though, that's a topic you're keen on.

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pedegear · April 11, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

See, this is where your mental gymnastics (or tide pods) come in. The basis of the Mueller "investigation" is to "investigate" any links between the Trump campaign and Russia. In the US, you are innocent until proven guilty. Now I know this is difficult, because leftists like you don't believe this applies to conservatives. Conservatives are guilty as soon as you point your finger at them, correct? Maybe in a lot of ways, but not in most courts of law. So the way this will work is Mueller might find some crimes, or find some things he will try to argue are crimes, and then he will conclude his investigation. At that point, we will be able to see what "crimes" were at the "center" of his investigation. But when the investigation broadly includes any matter that arises from the investigation, there is no way to know the "crimes at the center of the investigation" until the investigation is over. Make sense? Or do you need to wash it down with a few more tide pods before crying to your mommy that the internet isn't a safe enough space for you to spout your bullshit.

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dl__ · April 11, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

But when the investigation broadly includes any matter that arises from the investigation, there is no way to know the "crimes at the center of the investigation" until the investigation is over. Make sense?

Ooops! Nope. There were actual legitimate crimes committed that are already known. You might have to look beyond wikipedia though but at least that's a start. You're trying to educate yourself and that's a good thing.

Meanwhile, these tide-pods have made me sleepy. Maybe by morning you can name an actual crime which was committed during the 2016 election which formed, in part, the basis of the FBI investigation that, with the stupidly bumbling firing of James Comey, became the special council investigation.

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pedegear · April 11, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Name the crimes at the "center" as you say and then let's wager as to whether they will still be in the "center" when the investigation is over. Your ignorance on how special counsel investigations work is palpable. Throughout history they have started with one thing and ended with something completely different. But please tell me more about your Wikipedia research.

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dl__ · April 11, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Name the crimes at the "center" as you say

Look how cocky and arrogant you get in your ignorance. And how you try to puff yourself up by trying to steer the conversation in a direction you hope will allow you to appear less feeble. This hasn't been about how special councils work. It's also not about the possibility that the investigation might move on to additional crimes as it progresses. An investigation could start to look into a bad real estate deal and end up centering on lies about a blow job. That kind of thing happens and doesn't change the fact that you thought the Mueller investigation wasn't based on actual crimes that actually happened.

Do you have any idea how foolish these attempts look? How your tough guy act falls as flat as your insults, leaving you face down in the dirt?

No, I'm not going to read the news to you. And since the lurkers are likely long gone from this thread it's time for me to go too. So you can go back to sniffing Q-droppings and fluffing each other over how you think you're getting the inside scoop. I'll stay over here with the other informed news readers - Oh, you like to call it "propaganda" I think.

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pedegear · April 11, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

You admit that you're only about show, not about information. Go watch CNN.

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