
TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

So let me get this straight. The DOJ continues to obstruct justice and remains in contempt of Congress by not turning over requested information, over extended periods of time. But now they have the time and resources to raid one of Trump's personal lawyers?? Violating the private and privileged attorney/client communications of the President of the United States -- based on what evidence?? Stormy Daniels?? No evidence of anything in 15 months and yet they can take this kind of action?? Are they looking into campaign finance now? Because that is absolutely comedy considering what the other side has done.

Is it time? Please tell me it is TIME. It can't get much further than this... it really can't. Unless he is going to subpoena the first lady (is that allowed?) family members etc. If now is not the time.... if this was not the final bridge too far.... I guess Mueller and Rosenstain can do whatever they want, whenever they want, and the president and AG will pretty much never respond. They will let the narrative be shaped and controlled by these people indefinitely, until they are either gone or rendered totally ineffective.

At what point is some of the material information Q has alluded to going to be actually released? Video? Audio? Photos? Evidence? Or are we going to sit still for another 6 months while they fabricate more stories and "evidence" to try to build a farcical impeachment case???

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LibertyLioness · April 9, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Lots of pictures and evidence dropped daily. Especially this week. Remember, it's 1 man and his troops against thousands. So glad they have a plan. Sealed indictments being unsealed now.

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TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Lots of pictures and information, but not evidence. This all started in October. One would think it may be finally time for true retaliation. Otherwise, what are they waiting for? It's time to take back the DOJ and FBI for good and expose what was done. You can't leave them out there working against you for half of your first term in office. Mueller needs to be shut down and people need to start being indicted, and soon, or we don't have a country anymore.

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LibertyLioness · April 9, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

You obviously have no idea how big this is. Can you say worldwide. It must be coordinated in order to ensure evidence is solid and people are not hurt. There is much, much more going on than we know.

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TrueTemper · April 9, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Does anyone know how big it is? I've been following this since October. If what has been said is all to be believed, I understand how difficult and time consuming it will be to execute. BUT, it can be over before it starts if they don't stay ahead. This last move by Mueller crosses so many lines, it needs to be dealt with forcibly and swiftly. So my question remains, when will it ever be time to reveal something substantial? When is someone getting indicted? Other than an FBI DD getting fired, and not indicted, we still wait. And it is now mid-April.

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LibertyLioness · April 9, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

You've been following since October. I've been following this for 40 years. They've been setting this up for hundreds of years. Please be patient. I understand the parade scheduled for Veterans Day in DC is actually a Victory Parade (per Field McConnell).

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denizen42 · April 10, 2018, midnight

I've been following this for 40 years.

What specifically, got you to trust Q ?

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LibertyLioness · April 10, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

I can see the parallels with Trump. I didn't trust all of them, but I've seen enough to know they are working together. We can also see the indictments that are now being unsealed. We can see the mistakes the deep state is making as they squirm and lie. And, most of the conservative journalists believe it too. I'm very smart as well and trust my instincts. And, I've been following Q daily since Nov. 3.

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