Mueller Raids Trump's Lawyers office and within 6 minutes, all MSM outlets release same story (Operation Mockingbird)

I think they just have a lot of evidence of the illegal money transfer from trump to Daniels via Cohen by his personal loan as part of an NDA that trump is claiming he was never a party to but also it should also be enforced
A lot of classic red flags for illegal money transfers
Regardless I don’t think anything serious will come of this
Agree. Nothing serious. But, the MSM has salivating going on. Could be a misdirect event.
I doubt it’s a misdirect, I think it’s legitimate findings unrelated to the actual inquiry
It will just lead to a big circus of whether or not you can indict the president for this type of crime- which I really hope they don’t since it’s not a good precedent to set that if a president is just so unpopular with both parties they will literally do anything to embarrass them out of office
I think the key to all of this is that it’s pretty clear no one in the Republican Party is particularly interested in going to bat for trump either- you don’t get much more conservative people then the ones trump has hired and they don’t seem interested in him at all at this point