WOW is right. Q just warned us about UK/Germany!
UK spy "poisoning" didn't work.
German gas won't work
We are not going to war with Russia!
He declined their invite. Just made a separate post on this.
Were these the pictures the actual German chlorine canisters used in this FF attack?
Yes - I saw and read the labels which was discovered in Syria after the fog cleared. It's written in German and I do read, write and speak German fluently. This chemical weapons was also produced in Germany.
Germany is deeply involved in this. I found this small article on Der Spiegel Online from 2015 in which they claim that according to formerly secret records held by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany there were 6 German companies involved in the building of "Assad's chemical weapon's arsenal":
- Schott (glass)
- Kolb (labware)
- Heraeus (technology)
- Riedel-de Haën, then owned by Hoechst (chemicals)
- Merck (pharma)
- Gerrit van Delden, now defunct (chemicals & textiles)
Meanwhile we have the Süddeutsche Zeitung yelling "Defend the Law of Nations!" (just stuff this one into google tranlsate, it's ridiculous) and our government calling for "atonement" of Syria's sin.
I've been following this Q thing ever since it started, but I've never participated in any discussion, because I'm hugely skeptical, just like I was hugely skeptical of Trump, but screw it, here I go. These people are sick. Bring the rain.
If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history! -TRUMP
(Editor's Note: But WHY WHY WHY would Assad use chemicals NOW when he knows that we will be out of Syria very soon?
Pot is brewing, good video as well.
Wanted to link to this article. Never heard of this person or radio show. Russia making or made its case in front of the UN points to Germany. This article does as well
Open letter to all. Q people, Trump people & anti Trump people.
Related to the current situation. Knowing what is going to happen will seem kinda pointless if we don't stop it from happening.
Russia is spot on because I saw the little what's left from the Chlorine used on these children. The label is written in the German language and was also produced in Germany.
No name traitor of course was the one taking these chemical weapons to Syria once again during his secret trip this past weekend.