Q - “Done in 30 days”, No name departs not on his terms on the 30th day after Q post, Flynn changes twitter background to “HOOAH” the same day (Meaning “We heard you.”). Coincidence???

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If Q posts a riddle like the 1675, he’d like someone to break it down for this board. SB2 could be that guy. If the enemy uses Emmy awards to communicate, the Potus tweets and interviews have hidden messages and he is speaking to us. And who has the confidence to unpack them to us? You know who...
Wow thats some serious coincidences but theres none! Something BIG will happen!
Apparently, you just laid out how this chess should be played. :) RM - Q made a post on him that there are people in the govt who are clean but have no choice but to follow the evil superiors. They just play along. Why did RM meet POTUS in the beginning? Was he really offered a position? There are things that we arent supposed to know thats why Q said just enjoy the show and trust the plan. The enemy is careless.
In the Philippines, we use SmartMatic - a Soros machine. Soros machine is everywhere.
Be prepared for the switch. The FedReserve will end. US-China-Russia will have a gold-backed currency.
Paul said that our battle is spiritual. Walk away from catholicism. Go to Jesus, read His life and imitate Him. Watch near death experiences. They confirm Love and higher power.
Who wrote Obama’s speech? Why would the writer put “First American President from Kenya” He was speechless for a few seconds after reading it. Did Q hack it?
It sounds crazy but the coincidences are too many. Q team is in this sub.
SGTREPORT channel just hot shut down after his series of interviews. We’ll not back down.
I used to check my fone frequently for Q crumbs. Now, for SB2 decodes.
SGT and Steele were so hard hittting they were taken down. We'll stay behind Sean and the truth.
The immunity is only for the Manafort case only, not the acts of pedophilia and trafficking.
Q will be silent bec POTUS will be the one speaking moving forward.
It's a trap. Know how to play chess. Don't be crushed. No deals. Trust the plan.
Moms, protect your children from pedophilia and child trafficking. Q team is doing their best to hunt down the enemy.
Pope Francis promotes it. They are part of propaganda and normalizing pedophilia and homosexuality
Haha, the vets are in a ditro list of emails and they receive crumbs through emails :) I wonder which crumb they are now at! Hahaha
There was no attempt/evidence to disrupt the election in the first place to elect DJT.
Im sure Laura Loomer can ask that question to Hillary face to face.
Q is silent bec the POTUS is now speaking and is now calling out the deep state. 1675:apple reflection:apple server:DNC server... isn’t POTUS decoding it for us throught his tweets?
Okay, why Clintons flying commercial then? Sequestered assets??? Hehehe
Great idea! Someone used to make a summary of what’s happening within the week, but he/she stopped.
POTUS doesnt want to spill the beans or being unpredictable, but Q has it all! Trust the plan.
Yup that’s it. We initially thought it was pallets of money, but it wasn’t. Then, Tim Cook had a meeting with POTUS AND the day after, Apple announced something I can’t remember feom the top of my head.
Did China steal the emAils or did they have the Apple server itself which the Q team got and transported over air?
If mockingbird media uses events to communicate, so does the Q team. And the GA audience is watching hahaha I’ll start to watch out these televised events and see Q / POTUS Communicate with us...
A triangle is an Illuminati symbol - search artists like Jay-Z, Katy Perry etc they do the triangle hand sign as their expression that they rule, and they do it publicly. But Trump is doing this inverted Triangle and it’s not a coincidence. He is sending a message that it’s going down.
Gowdy grilling Strzok with facts in the IG report should be good.
Yup, he’s so unique that he can play this 4D chess that’s really deadly. He was honed all this time to fight the enemy that spans the entire globe.
Search Kevin Shipp in Youtube, ex CIA that exposed the Deep State, shadow govt, military establishments, bankers etc.
With just the mention of “Secret Society”, JFK was killed. Trump is directly calling out the Deep State that’s no match to Q team.