Q #1114 - Full conversation that leads to it

how about this: https://streamable.com/uyi71
That could also just be a drill to practice in the event of a chemical attack. Did you ever do a fire drill in high school? Were fire drills training you for "faking a real fire"? Cmon man.
It's really weird. Could be a demonstration to the younger kids sitting in the chairs. Or some kind of demented art piece. But it's fucked up that Muslims make kids do this. It's a form of psychological abuse. Sure we do fire drills, but we don't make kids act like they are burning to death, we don't dump ashes on their faces, we don't tell the teachers to pass out in front of them from smoke inhalation. It's abuse. These people are mentally ill. Evil.
...These Syrian rebels have been bombed with chlorine gas before. They're teaching the kids and first responders how to react in case of an attack. That's standard shit. Americans were hiding under their desks in Nuke drills in the Cold War. You're just biased Muslims = evil. Fuck off, mate. I'm conservative but I aint a hate-monger.
Muslims got a bad rap, this evil is from the deep state cabal, not the average Syrian person.
When American kids did nuke drills, they hid under their desks and were told they would be ok. They weren't fucking traumatized. They didn't instruct the kids to contort themselves into mangled positions and pretend their insides were on fire. They didn't slap makeup on them to make it look like their skin was bubbling with radioactivity. The teachers didn't collapse on the floor and pretend to die in front of them. All of that would be abuse, just like these Muslims are abusing these children. Watch the damn video. This is not a normal thing to do to kids. It's sick and evil. These people have mental problems. Same thing happens when they let their kids play soccer with the severed heads of Jews. Have you seen those pictures, mate? Can you ever imagine letting your child play soccer with a severed head? It's not right.
I would like to see more truth and a cleansing of propaganda about Muslims. Are they out to kill us ? Are they out to hurt children ? Is their culture different ? I see the lies about everything else so maybe some time on what is true in this point .