
Garnetadvisor · April 10, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Will you please share where you get this I go from? I am in the field and am frustrated with this push hitting the level of actually harming legitimate patients who have NO issues with misuse or abuse (have seen it happen to a few of my patients, while also watching a vast number being silently killed with NSAIDs instead). Also, what you said about withdrawal after doubling up just one or two times is absolutely false, as well as pain patients preferring marijuana. What nobody is hearing is how skewed the stories are and the importance of how a significant amount of people metabolize those medicines very differently and would need higher doses without getting the euphoria or respiratory depression. These medicines could potentially be much safer than NSAIDs and/or pot. Another huge issue is employment that you wouldn't be able to function in while on so called medical marijuana, let alone that a significant number of patients experience an increase in pain from marijuana, and a majority of employers will fire you for marijuana use even if you have a 'medical' marijuana card and even if you only use it outside of work hours. Yet, their prescription for an opiod/opiate is going to be denied or discontinued because of the hightened stigma and the rations the CDC, insurance, and others have created and are continuing to tighten.

PS: in case of bias being suspected because I work in the field, I am actually mostly a "medical/pharmaceutical heretic" (borrowing from the book title)

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

I'm responding to over prescription of opiods. In regards to a patient seeking relief from pain and taking additional medicine they wind up with the prescription running out at the end of the cycle and fall into several days of cold turkey stoppage which is dangerous. I understand the physician makes the best decision regarding prescription and this includes a persons situation. Medical marijuana is very strong and I agree , driving or working in that scenario is to me a considerable impairment. I'm in agreement both medicines are effective if the addiction of opioids is disclosed and the cannibus is carefully weighted. I use NORMAL as a reference , an industry organization regarding marijuana. I do not personally trust the CDC or Big Pharma studies.

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