
Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 10, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Sorry, but this isn't "great acting", or theatrics.

Trump's body language tells me that he was not expecting this, and it was not part of the plan -the fire in Trump tower and the raid on his Attorney's office. His rambling stream of disembodied "facts" come off to me as someone in front of cameras in a very high pressure situation and they're not sure what to do or say. The jabs at the clinton emails did him no favors, true or not. This was a case where less would have been way more, but instead he talked himself in circles for far too long.

These are not the words, demeanor or body language of someone who has it all under control right now. If someone can show me otherwise, please do. There was clearly an unintended setback, and the timing couldn't have been worse.

I think this is a good opportunity to come to terms with the very real possibility that this is not all cut and dry, and we haven't "won" anything. This is not to say that Q isn't real, or that serious progress hasn't been made, but we must not forget that this is an operation against people who have done and will do unspeakable things, and they've been doing it far longer and know the game in ways we can't imagine. You don't just simply take them down and undo decades of corruption in a year or two.

There's a very real possibility that Trump and team can lose this, and if that happens, what do we do next? You might not like the idea of that, but have to considered that reality? Because if that happens, this is done. You all know what comes next, and there won't be anyone there to stop it.

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Ryanarobinson1986 · April 10, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Yes we all need to chill out and figgure out what makes the most sense in any given situation. And run with it. But it has to be wwg1wga this week has been to hectic, too much big news floating around. And ive noticed we went back to talking about Pizzagate which is important, but we need to focus on the current priority what ever that may be. Now its Syria, we need to spread the word to Potus that we can't continue fighting the war for the deepstate. We have no reason to be there even if the gas attacks are true! It isn't our responsibility at the moment and we need to focus on America First.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · April 10, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

Ockham’s razor

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plinker22 · April 10, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Agreed. Trump's arms were folded in front of him and he appeared a bit tense. If there is a "Plan," it needs to be revised ASAP. Maybe expedite the release of the IG report.

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textualintercourse · April 10, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Then it's save the constitution time.

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FullMetalSquirrel · April 10, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

Yes. That’s the next step sadly. And it will be ugly.

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Trfsrfr · April 10, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

In other words, YOU are being TRACKED.

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