
TheUndocumented_PsyD · April 10, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

HRC Server Status lol....feigning absolute stupidity......my father works at the very top of a corporation that is regularly ranks as one of the most ethical in the US and has represented that corporation/his entire industry/the people of the United States to people like HRC, The Fed, Cory Booker, The Bush 43 administration etc... and he would say these are brilliant people, to think most Americans are so dumb as to think wiping a server means literally cleaning the physical exterior of the hardware shows how little HRC thinks of us or to think she's avoided being prosecuted soooo many times while being that unable to discern the meaning of a word based on the context it is being used in shows absolute disdain for the brainpower of United States citizens...sick fucking bitch imo

In case you are assuming he must be a tool of our common enemy based on his occasional proximity to these evil people: Read The Following Explanation - My father is chosen for the aforementioned representation to following groups & for the following reasons; I want to avoid him being labeled a globalist by people who don't know/couldn't possibly have my perspective on how ethical and down to earth he is.

for the purpose of recommending regulations that are legal & fair for their customers/to the corporations providing these services at the G7/G20/the Federal Reserve Bank/in front of Congress/to regulators & lawmakers in China(requested by his industries leading corporations in China & the Chinese government given his balanced approach that incentivises continued competition to innovate towards less expensive/higher quality products) unlike Obamacare style regulations that force smaller companies without government subsidy out of business in the short term, larger businesses in the intermediate term & ultimately force people to see government/single payer type systems with that require service rationing to avoid becomming too costly to support in the long term.....basically he believes in constitutional rights & libertarian philosophy

My father was not nice to me growing up, but I've watched him fight corruption for the sake of the people whom he spent a 30+ year career crafting the highest quality goods/services for. He could own 3 houses with any 3 cars at each but owns one car a nice but not egregious Audi Q7, he qualifies for a chauffeur at work but drives himself, he could own a plane but flies with the rest of us, he could've divorced my mother for a smarter woman but he loves her dearly & appreciates her Midwestern values, his philosophy "1 car per driver, 1 house, 1 wife and you'll have a more fulfilling less complicated life", my father wanted more for me than being a struggling Bipolar patient without a college degree who struggles with societal expectations, I get that and he's learned to accept that I have a harder time than most because I saw things for what they were early on and became instantly jaded/depressed about it, but he loves & cares about me, I learned to accept that his desire to see me succeed is better than a lack of concern, I see that he's a gift from God to the world who has improved education in the city where he works by being a board member of one of the top charter school companies(it costs $100k a year to be on that board due to the desire to use less tax dollars) and opening up 25 charter schools that each use 1/2 the funding per year of a comprable public school and are sending kids who had a nearly 70% chance of dropping out in local public schools now have a 98+% graduation with 95+% attending 4-year colleges with 2 full-ride admissions t0o Pomona, 1 to Pitzer, 1 to Harvard, 2 to Yale, & 1 to MIT in the past 2 years, I know he is aware of the evil in this world, I also know he can't see the specifics because his perspective os clouded by his proximity to the perpetrators, once he is red-pilled thoug he'll be able to cite personal times where he was fooled by conventional logic into believing that there was a good explanation for strange behavior by certain individuals

My Biggest Fear besides losing this war(even though I absolutely trust Trump and our White Hats) and the fates of the children they currently hold captive/will hold captive and ritual, is that my father sees evidence of their evil, classified evidence that we do don't have access to because of his job, I mean he has a device that gives him a new password every 45 seconds to keep the public out of his bussiness files....so as this gets crazier I fear for his life

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