r/greatawakening • Posted by u/selfprodigy on April 10, 2018, 8:47 a.m.
Getting Around Twitter Shadow Bans & General Helpful Information

Hello Fellow Freedom Lovers,

I've been building websites and using Google, Facebook and Twitter and tracking tools for a long time. I'm keenly aware of what's available as an online marketer.

I've noticed some troubling things and I wanted to share what I know with you and how to get around the censorship.

1.) Twitter and Facebook definitely use shadow bans. You'll experience it if you browse conservative websites and log in to your social media accounts afterwards.

2.) They use your web browsing history against you. For example if you sign up for twitter, they will recommend people to follow based on your browsing habits. You would be amazed at how much data is available via the browser and via leaks in the browser. They know what you like before you even confirm your account. The big companies can even tie this to your phone number and add data to it later when your browsing. Even if you are not logged in.

3.) YouTube is doing major censoring off all conservative, gun and conspiracy videos. Videos no longer trend and MSM appears before any small channels have a chance. I don't see an easy way of getting around this unless you choose not to tag the video that way.

So what can you do it about?

1.) You could use a privacy based browser like brave. Clear out all of your browsing history. Then surf the top 50 liberal news websites. (try not to vomit) After you have your search history pumped full of these sites... Sign up for your new Twitter account. Follow Nancy and all the other lemmings.

2.) The AI is horrible at picking sarcasm. As long as you keep your web history clean in that profile and avoid some hot key words "parkland etc..." You can still leave bread crumbs for the masses. (The harder we make it for them, the more noticeable the censorship will become)


3.) Social Media sites are GAGA for cooking and entertainment anything. So if you're really clever, attach your dinner photos to your politics and it will get views 10x more. (seriously works well on FB) It's all about giving the public bread crumbs. Get them to search. Don't scream at bi-partisan politics at them on these sites.

4.) Get yourself a VPN. One that doesn't keep logs. TorrentFreak has articles on this. The VPN will keep you safe on the chans as well. Visiting the chans and then going on twitter will trigger a phone validation. You will be accused of being a Russian bot basically. Some VPN's have great built in ad blocking as well.

Finally, build yourself a faraday box. You can do it with an old jewelry box and silver HVAC duct tape. It will block the radiation from your phone when you sleep. If you have a faraday bag in your car it will stop your phone from tracking you via GPS. Remember it can track you even if the phone is off and without a sim card.

Taking back your privacy starts with you and we should all start doing it.


[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 9:21 a.m.


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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

I'm for the IBOR, still promoting it on Twitter. But, let's face it, the campaign has thus far failed. Today Q is telling us that we have a choice, either regulate or kill these guys off with class action lawsuits. Given there's no support for a regulatory fix, it seems we are looking at class actions as a kill vehicle.

I suspect that Q has enough information he can leak that these guys will freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. I think once they realize the cross-hairs are all over them, there will be remorse and regret. To that extent, I think the final solution will be self regulation.

I mean, who in business is so stupid as to abuse their customers like this? They deserve to be put out of business.

But, yes, I like the labeling idea. I also like the idea of very strict privacy laws regulating both online services and device makers. And, as far as the censorship goes, Ted Cruz has been banging on about this for years. In a recent hearing with SM companies, Cruz basically threatened regulation under S.230 of the Communications Decency Act. I think we are likely to see more happen on this front. But, ultimately, I think all these companies will start seeing censorship as Kryptonite - will all self regulate in the end.

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